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My favorite vlog❤️
This edit is dedicated to @namifelix because her memes are funny and I was also talking to her while making this edit
Other Dt's: @verycool_pewds @clvssicpewds @softpewdzz @felix.imp
Tags: #classicpewdsdt #smhpewdsdt #omgpage #omgpageedit #pewdiepieedit #aftereffects #pewdiepie #melix #melixedit #pewdiepie #marzia #marziaedit #softedit #aesthetic #aestheticedits
"So just keep smiling and you'll get happier!"
Watch this if you're sad or want to cheer a friend up, hopefully this might help :)
Remember everything will get better. It will be fine, no matter what you are going through.
Dt's: @clvssicpewds @softpewdzz @simplypewdiepielogical @verycoolpewds @tseriesvspewdiepie_
@smhpewds @mchizki_edits
Tags: #classicpewdsdt #smhpewdsdt #omgpage #pewdiepieedit #aftereffects #pewdiepie #melix #melixedit #omgpageedit #happyedit #softpewdiepie #softedit #happy #ae