menwithlupus menwithbeards beju666 bejukupcake666 beyou bodypositive clubkid gaybear gayboy gaylatino gaypride gaystud gayswithink imakelupuslookgood instagay kenneybofficially lgbt livingwithlupus lupusadvocate lupuswarrior nonbinary nonbinarypride singlegayboy thickandjuicy thickandsexy youngandreckless lovetheskinyourein sundayfunday singlegayboy
Today Is the beginning of Lupus Awareness Month, a year ago I never thought I would ever I would making a post like this... this time last year I was preparing for a surgery that I had no idea what the outcome was going to be. Since then my life has changed sooo much. I had to meet this new life and mindset. There are days I cry cause my body hurts so bad to the point of not being able to move, to always being tired, to barely being able to walk because my feet swell so bad or even being hospitalized for getting a cold because my body can’t fight, to even taking more medication then i would ever like to just to make it through the day! Then there are days I forget that I’m even sick... Buuuuuttt through alllll of this I’m still Chaunce, CJ, Mr. Ferguson,Duke I’m still me! I’m still smiling and still trying to live the BEST life I can and not allowing lupus to hold me back from anything! Here’s to a year of shifting! Thank you everyone that praying with out ceasing I wouldn’t be where I am today had it not been for you A special thank you to @pg_shryck for capturing these amazing moments in time! You are sooooo gifted and blessed! I’m so grateful for you “It takes to special person to handle these wings ”
#MenWithLupus #lupusawarenessmonth #TheButterflyEffect #lupus #butterfly #oneyear #lupusawareness #butterflydisease #awareness
TGIF #kenneybofficially #nonbinarypride #clubkid #beju666 #bejukupcake666 #beyou #666 #youngandreckless #gay #gaypride #nonbinary #instagay #lgbt #lovetheskinyourein #bodypositive #gaylatino #gayboy #gaybear #thickandsexy #thickandjuicy #livingwithlupus #imakelupuslookgood #singlegayboy #lupuswarrior #lupusadvocate #menwithlupus #menwithbeards #gayswithink #gaystud