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مسابقتنا لشهر رمضان المبارك ♥️
٣ بوكسات ميكَب من قولدن روز لـ ٣ فائزات
شروط المسابقة : ✅متابعة حسابنا
✅منشن لِـ ٣ أشخاص
✅ عمل لايك لبوست المسابقة ♥️
⏳السحب بإذن الله راح يكون يوم الخميس ٢٥ / ٩ /١٤٤٠
كل مازادت تعليقاتك كل ماكانت فرصتك للفوز أكبر وحظ موفق للجميع ♥️
#make_up #makeup #golden_rose #goldenrose #metals #metalic #قولدن_روز #جولدن_روز #روج #أرواج #مكياج #ميك_اب #ميكاب #مناكير #جدة #جده #توصيل #هدايا #عروض #عروض_رمضان #رمضان #مسابقة #مسابقات #مسابقة_رمضان #مسابقات_رمضان #مسابقة_العيد #مسابقه
I am not a bit maker. I have made some bits. All of them hang in my husbands trailer. I have worked with some very talented people over the years. This one I made with @marshbros a couple years ago. I was so lucky to work with such a talented man. It doesn’t matter if your working in silver, steel, gold or copper. You can learn something from everyone. I want to know how to do it all and I will push to do so. .
Dead Sea is not the saltiest lake but is the deepest (300 mts/990 ft) hypersaline lake in the world. Salts and metals crystallize and settle on the rocks of the coast.
El Mar Muerto no es el lago con más salinidad del mundo pero si el más profundo (300 mts) de estos. Las sales y sus metales cristalizan y se depositan en las rocas de la costa.
#sales #salinidad #rocas #cristales #lago #aguasalada #salts #saline #deep #crystals #crystalization #metals #saltwater #lake #holyland #marmuerto #deadsea #israel #jordan #jordania
The term 'Goldilocks Zone' is often seen in the news in the context of ?
NEXT IAS brings, to all prelims 2019 aspirants, a daily initiative of 5 questions based on previous years static questions #prelimspastquestions as well as latest current affairs #prelims2019currentquestions. Expect questions daily between 10 am and 7 pm.
"We need to pair education with a passion to drive for a cleaner future, so that we can find the most realistic path going forward." .
. ♂️
#industrial #industrials #industrialsatconcilium #energy #renewableenergy #renewableenergysources #globaleconomy #mining #mines #metals #materials #greenerworld #gas #nuclear #powergeneration #climate #climatechange
First time attempting to bead roll an image!
#ilovebeadrolling #beadroller #handroll #stainlesssteel #lasercut #metalwork #metalbending #sheetmetalfab #sheetmetal #metals #metalfinishing #industrial #welding #tigwelding #metalfabrication #instasg #supportlocalsg #madeinsingapore #sgcrafters #madeinsg #handicraft #handmade #design #crafts #handmake #fabrication #metalart #instaart #tools #oldtools