migrainelifesucks mymigrainelife chronicdailymigraines mymigrainestory thisis47 onedayatatime ptsdrecovery thisisme mystory prettystrong over40 chronicpain daybyday ptsd invisiblediseases over40style 2019 chronicillness painandsuffering onebattleatatime ptsdawareness musicselfie onlyworryabouttoday loveandloss migrainedisease prettybrave musicistherapy pain prettykind over40andfabulous loveandloss
A pastor told me one time that grief is the price we pay for getting to love.
I think vacation blues is the price we pay for getting to have a bad ass adventure!
This morning my end of vacation blues are FO SHO strong and this pic does not represent how I feel about being back home battling a stupid migraine
What a heck of a trip.
I’ll just sit here hitting “watch next episode” on Netflix, scrolling through vacation pics, while letting my little body recover. Bring on the vacation blues — the memories were WORTH IT!!!
#babymoon #vacationblues #endofvacationblues #endofvacation #niagarafalls #firsttimemom #pregnancy #pregnant #maternity #migrainessuck #migraine #migrainelife #migrainelifesucks