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Here are my new treasures I had my #snowwhite blade mounted to my old #edeaskates and my old #mkprofessional blades sharpened and mounted to my brand new #iceflyskates ⛸
Highly recommend since the service is so professional and I got a huge discount
The rest of the pictures are just from my way back when I met this little tiger, and I saw a wall of... not sure, and just a #selfie
#stockholm #sweden #skates #cat #stockholmmetro #bassetblades
Sorry I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks but I got new skates!!! The Jackson Premieres, same blade different boot. I actually didn’t have any problem bracing them in! The past two pairs of skates I ended up on crutches bc I broke them in wrong.⛸ •Tags #iceskating #skating #ice #figureskating #jacksonpremiere #mkprofessional #rockerz #teamusa #sk8coolloop #sk8abq #outpost #coolloop
Co jakiś czas mam okazję zobaczyć na lodowisku trenujący klub łyżwiarski. Wyglądam wtedy mniej więcej tak: A potem widzę siebie i dochodzę do wniosku, że nie trenuję wystarczająco ciężko
#lovefigureskating #figureskates #neversatisfied #dreams #edea @edeaskates #icefly #mkprofessional #łyżwyfigurowe #iloveskating #iwanttobelikethem #blades #ontheedge @mkblades #mkblades