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Berminat untuk jana income melalui Facial Home Spa? . +6016 825 3952
+6016 825 3952
+6016 825 3952
Untuk info kelas di KK dan Brunei. .
See you there ☺ .
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Let your dreams bloom.
We plant the seeds, and often expect fresh cut flowers greeting us by morning.
Dreams don't work that way. You have to sow the seed, water it, love on it and wait for it to bloom.
Don't mow the yard right before bloomtime!
#bepatient #bethankful ---> Monday's remind us that our hardwork on our dreams pays off!
#DreamBig and #LetYourDreamsBloom ❤❤
#Motivate yourself to succeed!
Join us in Nashville for the National Aesthetic Spa Networking Conference on June 10th
Save your seat at
Bulan puasa akan menjelang tiba, mari buat duit raya melalui facial service ☺ .
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Jom kita flawlesskan muka.
Panggilan facial x pernah berhenti.. Skrg kan mudah, malas nk ke Spa kami dtg terus ke rumah utk service Mobile Spa.
Nak facial dirumah atau di spa, call shj utk set appointment... Semua beres
#lieyaazmanbeautymobilespa #mannequinebeauty #mobilespa #sideincome #mobilespakuantan #facialdikuantan #facialdirumah #facialdipejabat #facialmuslimah #facialdispa #facialbergerak #mobilespaowner #spaowner #janaincomedrmobilespa #bisnesgosokmuka
Spa nak santai - santai, rilek - rilek, dioles - oles macamni Sambil dibelai & dimanja.... Yang kedut jadi tegang
Parut jerawat makin pudar
Jeragat makin nipis & hilang Lebam bawah mata dah tak ada
pipi jatuh dikasi naik
Pori terbuka makin mengecil... Jom grab cepat!!! Booking slot Facial sekarang!! Akak - akak tunggu je kat rumah dan kami akan terus ke rumah akak - akak. Tak payah nak redah jammed, cari parking & serabut pikir anak kat rumah... Semuanya terus ke rumah akak - akak.
Wasap Sis 0175684168
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Running a salon or spa carries with it a powerful mission. Making .
Let's get real.
As a small business owner, every SINGLE dollar counts.
It's critical for you to gain insight into your numbers to stop breaking even and instead, GET AHEAD.
Are you feeling unsure about how to grow your profits to the next level? ✋
Start today by downloading this month's FREE tool and plug in your numbers to see where your business stands.
⤴ Link is in the our bio: Station/Treatment Room Worksheet to Know Your Numbers.⤴
If you need help with the worksheet, we're always here to help. Shoot us a #DM. ✔️
Peluang jana income 5k - 10k secara partime/fulltime dgn bisnes yg semakin meletop dan viral di Malaysia.
Jadi sebahagian dr wanita bekerjaya dengan income besar sebagai pemilik mobile spa sendiri.
Bisnes yg sangat flexible dan menjaminkan income lumayan.
Rebut slot utk business preview dgn YURAN: RM20 sahaja.
Whatsapp SITI untuk maklumat lanjut.
Mereka dtg dari seluruh negara kerana tiket yg sangat murah tp ilmu sangat superb dan tak dpt di luar sana dngn bayaran hanya rm129 sahaja.
Apa pun tahniah kepada yg hadir semoga anda jana pendapatan di bulan puasa ni kaw kaw liaw.. .
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