moderntalkingmusic moderntalking thomasanders moderntalkingband moderntalkingforever dieterbohlen moderntalkingclub thomasandersforever thomasandersteam moderntalkinglover thomasanderslover thomasandersfan moderntalkingfan moderntalkingconcert gentlemanofmusic modern_talking thomasanders_official moderntalkingtribute thegentlemanofmusic thomasandersfanpage thomasandersconcert thomas_anders thomasandersfangirl thomasandersfanclub thomasanderssonwij berndweidung legendmusic love disco80 moderntalkingreloaded
Modern Talking - Brother Louie
Only love breaks her heart Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
Only love's paradise
Oh - she's only looking to me
#thomasanders #dieterbohlen #moderntalking #brotherlouie #moderntalkingband #disco80 #berndweidung #gentlemanofmusic #thomasanders_official #moderntalkingforever #томасандерс #thomasandersfanpage #модернтокинг #modern_talking #moderntalkingmusic #oldmusic #moderntalkingclub #thomas_anders #80smusic #oldmusicvideo #80s #thomasandersforever #thomasanderslover #moderntalkingclub #thomasandersteam #thegentlemanofmusic #lovethissong #thomasandersfan
Modern Talking - Geronimo's Cadillac
Geronimo's Cadillac
Is making all girls turn mad
Geronimo has a heart - Oh it's a drag
#thomasanders #moderntalking #dieterbohlen #geronimoscadillac #thomasanders_official #moderntalkingband #modern_talking #moderntalkingmusic #80smusic #berndweidung #thomasandersteam #томасандерс #thomas_anders #модернтокинг #thomas_bernd #gentlemanofmusic #thomasandersforever #thomasandersfangirl #disco80 #moderntalkingforever #oldvideo #thegentlemanofmusic #80s #gentlemanofmusic
Thomas Anders - Sexy Sexy Lover(2009)
...Tell me there's no other deep in your heart
#thomasanders #thomasanders_official #moderntalkingband #sexysexylover #thomasanderslover #thomas_anders #2009 #90s #dieterbohlen #berndweidung #gentlemanofmusic #moderntalking #thomas_bernd #thomasanderslive #thomasandersfanpage #thomasandersforever #модернтокинг #thegentlemanofmusic #lover
#90smusic #moderntalkingmusic #thomasandersteam #томасандерс #thomasandersfan #modern_talking #disco90 #love #germanymusic #liveconcert #thomasandersfangirl
Modern Talking - Win the Race (2001)
Ohh come on We, we can win the race
Ohh he, fights us face to face
Ohh see, we will win the game
Again, again, and again
#thomasanders #dieterbohlen #moderntalking #wintherace #moderntalkingband #thomasanders_official #moderntalkingmusic #modern_talking #thomas_bernd #thomas_anders #berndweidung #moderntalkingforever #2001 #томасандерс #thomasandersteam #thomasandersforever #модернтокинг #disco80 #thomasandersfanpage #gentlemanofmusic #90smusic #moderntalkingclub #thomasandersfan #lovethissong #thegentlemanofmusic #thomasanderslover #00s #thomasandersfangirl
Thomas Anders - Brother Louie
You're no good, can't you see Brother Louie, Louie, Louie
I'm in love, set her free
Oh, she's only looking to me
#thomasanders #moderntalkingband #thomasanders_official #moderntalking #brotherlouie #thomasandersfanpage #modern_talking #80s #disco80 #thomasandersforever #berndweidung #thomas_anders #80sstyle #moderntalkingforever #томасандерс #moderntalkingmusic #dieterbohlen #oldmusicvideo #thomasanderslover #thegentlemanofmusic #thomasandersteam #thomasandersfan #thomasandersfanclub #thomas_bernd #gentlemanofmusic #brotherlouielouielouie #disco80s
Modern Talking
was a German duo consisting of singer Thomas Andersand arranger, songwriter and producer Dieter Bohlen, with the participation of Luis Rodríguez in the production, the choir and background voices of Rolf Köhler,Michael Scholz and Detlef Wiedeke. They have been referred to as Germany's most successful pop duo,and have had a number of hit singles, reaching the top five in many countries. Some of their most popular and widely known singles are "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", "You Can Win If You Want", "Cheri, Cheri Lady", "Brother Louie", "Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. for Love)" and "Geronimo's Cadillac"
#moderntalkingforever #moderntalkingru #moderntalkingclub #moderntalkingads #moderntalkingconcert #moderntalkingreloaded #moderntalkinglover #moderntalkingmusic #moderntalkingfan #moderntalkingtribute #moderntalking #moderntalking #moderntalkingband
Thomas Anders - Cheri Cheri Lady #thomasanders #thomasanders_official #moderntalking #moderntalkingband #thomasandersforever #popmusic #80s #90s #2015 #pop #moderntalkingforever #dieterbohlen #live #liveconcert #moderntalkinglive #thomasandersteam #thomasandersfan #love #superstar #modern_talking #moderntalkingclub #90е #thomasanderslive #lovethissong #chericherilady #livemusic #80е #moderntalkingmusic #thomasandersfanclub
Modern Talking - Atlantis Is Calling(S.O.S. for Love)
Ohoho, little queenie
I'm your fool
Come on, teach me the rules
And I will send an S.O.S. for love
#thomasanders #dieterbohlen #moderntalking #atlantisiscalling #thomasanders_official #moderntalkingband #moderntalkingmusic #modern_talking #thomas_bernd #disco80 #berndweidung #thomasanderslover #томасандерс #thomasandersteam #moderntalkingforever #thomas_anders #модернтокинг #thegentlemanofmusic #thomasandersfangirl #thomasandersfanpage #gentlemanofmusic #thomasandersforever #thomasandersfanpage #80smusic #moderntalkingclub #moderntalkingfan #oldmusicvideo