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I have quite a few new faces around here so I wanted to introduce myself and give y’all a few fun facts about me!
1. I am a mama to two amazing babes ☺️ 1 girl - Azaylea Kay (she’s 2) & 1 boy - Thor Vincent (he’s 8 months)
2. I am married to my best friend.... and yes we have the same name Deven & Devin Bassett ❤️
3. I work full time from home (being a mama influencer is a full time gig) but I also teach women how to influence and monetize their passions as well
4. Wine is my favorite food group
5. Working out daily is a MUST for my mental health
6. I started growing my Instagram 6 months ago to share my journey to overcoming #postpartumanxiety
7. My goals in the next 6 months are to - start traveling at least part time with my hubby & kids - to start a podcast & to begin my journey in keynote speaking Okay enough about me, tell me a little something about YOU ⬇️ #mamahood #winewinewine #celebratemotherhood #bullseyesplayground #motherhoodquotes #createyourhappy #mompreneur #tulipfestival #momonamission #targetmom #mompreneur #createyourdreamlife #targetdollarspot #targetfashion #targetforthewin #targetdollarspotaddict #targetdoesitagain #momlifebelike #behappy #smilemoreoften #loveyourlife
Or wouldn’t you say? I got so chocked when people started talking to me in a whole new way as soon as I got pregnant, but now I think it was to warm me up to what they were gonna say when my babies actually were here
But - this is the reality, as soon as you’re expecting a baby you will find out that people all of a sudden think they’re entitled to talk about your body, your life choices and basically just anything just as they see fit, all limits are magically broken, it’s now ok to call you fat and/or big, it’s ok to criticize the food you eat, the amount of exercise you do (or don’t do), I’m obviously kidding it’s not OK but some people still think it is (strangely)
holy moly - I’m not even gonna start a list on what will be said after the babies are here because it could go on forever - I’m very happy I stopped listening after a while though it’s made the parenting game so much easier to play
#momlife #motherhood #mumlife #parenting #parenthood #momtobe #lifewithkids #momlifebelike #postpartum #letterboard #family #familylife #vimedbarn #mammalivet #bf2019 #momproblems
It all comes full circle when you spend an hour at a local coffee shop with a previous coworker you used to work with. Explaining time and financial freedom to moms who STILL WANT TO WORK but on their own terms with more flexibility and no income cap never gets old.
We all have the same hours as Beyoncé. How will you spend yours?