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Guess what came in the mail!
Bow: @ninas_bowtique_
Shirt: @bg_custom_ts
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Ihr zwei, ihr zwei habt unser Leben innerhalb Sekunden um 180 Grad gedreht. Es ist alles anders geworden. Schöner! Wir sind zusammen gewachsen als Familie. Und ihr zwei als Geschwister. Die grosse fürsorgliche Schwester und der kleine nach machende Bruder. Gross und klein aber trotzdem eins. Eine Liebe zwischen den beiden die sogar ein blinder spürt. Eine Liebe die alle verzaubert. Vorallem mich. So anstrengend es auch manchmal ist euer Lachen füllt mich mit Liebe wieder auf. Ihr werdet ein unbesiegbares Duo, Bruder und Schwester - beste Freunde #geschwisterliebe
What taking photos with Liyah really looks like ♀️
Being bipolar & a mommy is not easy. But with the right medication & the amazing support system that I have, I’ve been able to be the best mom I can be. ❤️
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One kiss that makes my world go around!! Happy Sunday! ☀️☀️
Last few days has been tough! Seeing the slow but sharp twist in my mini’s behavior, likes & dislikes as she is getting older! She is turning out to be way more independent than I could ever imagine & now slowly throws around that Tween attitude! .
But now I am easing in to my the tween mommy role & realized that, as always, patience is the key! Just taking it one day at a time & constantly reminding myself that this is a passing phase!
Any other hacks from my mom tribe on dealing with a Tweenager ?! Would love to hear that!!
#momstruggles #momlifebelike #mommyandme #mylittlegirl #persuehappy #colormehappy #sundaze
As a mom and wife we sometimes forget to care for ourselves and have some “me” time! I know I’m definitely guilty of doing that! But I do try my best to get at least one spa night a week, which is usually Sunday nights after the girls are asleep and all my weekend chores are done! I’ll be posting a few of my favorite skin care products soon! Which you can also find later on under my skincare highlight! ♀️
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