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Walmart clearance
Oral B toothbrush with a fancy bluetooth attached to it Reg Price 159.95......Clx at $17!!!
Burt bee's toothpaste Reg 4.97 ......Clx at 0.50 cents!!!
Sku# 235389561 Swipe to get the full name on the Walmart app.
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70% off
Also theres a 10% cw for up n up sunscreen making it 3.76 for 3 sunscreen bottles!!! (I didnt get the babyganics, i dont like the white residue)
Thats 1 dll and change per botttle.
1 bottle costs 8.99!!! Nonsense
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Home depot penny item
How awesome to find a penny grill!!! Good luck!
NMP photo from fb
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Easter jewelry also 90% off!!!!!!!
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