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Forever #mood . Swipe for HQ photos made by @balbert_photography
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Keep those lights on me
As always i have typos in it, ty mash for telling me but im to lazy to fix it so, DEAL WITH IT ly
Dt; @krul.mp4 ily
Song ib; shirukiu
(I kinda used and posted the as watermark even tho i have not submitted it yet oops sry)
#monogatari #monogatariseries #monogatariedit#animeedit #animepage #aftereffects #amvs #edits #edit #anime#amvedits
Hey guys ❤ I just added some new prints on my store ! Shinobu and Sakura prints are finally on pre-order ❤ Check out my shop
-me as Shinobu Oshino
-ph :@dizzymonogatari
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Typical of most pink-haired women in anime, they do not care if someone sees them naked
⚫Anime: Girly Air Force
⚫Genders: Action, sci-fi
⏩⏩⏩(Ignore the Tags)⏪⏪⏪
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