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This is a face of someone that is detoxing at a high level! I can feel my heart beat as toxins and acids are circulating through my system. The edema is coming out, my kidneys are filtering majorly and my emotional and my spiritual bodies are being elevated to higher stages of development in this human experience. I’ve done 23 hour dry fast everyday for 4 days now with ether mango pudding (just mangoes blended no water added) or orange juice. Going to dry fast mostly with a little juice for the next couple days and I will go from there whether I should balance out and ground or if I should ride it out. I like the 23 hour drys along with a little astringent fruit a day better then just extended dry fasting. Dry brings lymph to the kidneys powerfully and the fruit or fruit juice sling shots it out effectively. I did this for a month straight before 23 hour dry fast with one small juicy fruit meal a day and my kidney filtration was incredible. I do this also to work through the pain, the sadness that’s ingrained in my core from the program of karma I was brought up in. Ill keep you updated soul fam! To all those deeply connected to my soul I love you, and your happiness is the joy I experience. I am you and you are me. We are a unified one being! I hold space and love for you always. The empaths, the old souls and made well people are the ones I fuck with on this journey! I love you my infinity and you know who you are! #morals&priciples forever # SoulTribeNation
حقیقت آن است که آنچه ما اختیارا به جبر قراردادهای نانوشته [یا بعضا نوشته] به عنوان درست یا غلط می شناسیم تنها انعکاسی است خیالی از تصاویری گنگ و مبهم که در آینه واقعیت نقش بسته اند. تصاویری که رسالتشان فرونشاندن تمایل ذاتی انسان به سرکشی است. تلخ است این سخن که بگوییم انسان ذاتا درنده خو و زیاده خواه است و آنچه ما را از سلاخی ددمنشانه دوست و همسایه خویش بازمیدارد همین قوانین و فرضیات نانوشته ایست که از آن به اخلاق یاد می کنیم. در این میان اما،عشق،این تنها تصویرِ همواره زنده ی تمامی ناپذیر، که تن به باتلاق خودساخته درست و غلط نسپرده است، با ترس پنجه در پنجه می افکند. ایستاده استوار بر جایگاه رفیع زندگانی ما، لخت مانند کودکی در لحظه تولد ، بی آنکه برای اظهار وجود به فلسفه بافی های بسیار متوسل شود، عشق ابلیسی است که متواضعانه در برابر خداوندگار ترس گردن درازی می کند؛ و زندگی، کشمکشی است ابدی، میان عشق و ترس،خیر و شر، و نه هرگز درست و غلط!
The truth is what we willingly ,yet by the determinism of the unwritten social agreements,refer to as "right and wrong" is just a conceptual,imaginary reflection of the ambiguous pictures in the mirror of reality. Pictures whose call is to suppress man's natural tendency for rebellion. It might be an unpleasant fact that man is of a fierce,greedy nature and the only thing that keeps him from brutally slaughtering others of his own kind is the same unwritten agreement we know as "morals".And love,this only ever_lasting never_ending picture that refuses to surrender to the concept of right and wrong , will stand in the face of fear. Standing on top of the highest mounts of life, naked like a new born baby and existing without the urge to be proved by the typical philosophical arguments, love is the devil that humbly defies the god of fear. And life? It is,for sure, the eternal battle of love and fear, good and evil and of course not the battle of right and wrong!
پ.ن:سعی کردم بلند ننویسم ولی نشد.کپشن انگلیسی هم مخاطب خودش رو داره شما به دل نگیر
#life #love #fear #morals #philosophy
Thanks so much to @mfcorwin who helped identify this card game, made in Boston in 1845!! Here is our post from this morning:
A little help, Instaverse? This card game in the AAS collection lacks a box, directions, or even a publisher’s statement! There are 30 hand-colored lithographed cards in all (although we have no way of knowing if it is complete). Anyone seen this before? Or have a theory as to where it might have been published? We are guessing 1850-1870. Regardless of whether we can find out more about the game, we still like those four insect cards for today’s #bugginout challenge! #aasgames #cardgames #morals #games @sutrolibrary
And one day it just hit me: Me having not only the time but the mental space to philosophize and work out my #morals and #ethics and things like that is a fucking LUXURY.
Ive always had quite the capacity to be judgemental. But that requires me to stay in my point of reference and refuse empathy and thats a cold dark place to stay. Nowadays the initial judgement still flashes first but i have the wherewithal to investigate these initial reactions further which usually leads me to unconvering something weird about myself. (I dont write the rules, I just live here.)♀️ .
Socrates believed human nature was inherently good and if one acted "bad" it was only out of ignorance of what the right thing is. I do believe everyone is doing their best by what they understand about the world and that idea has lead to much a brighter #mindscape for me.