mrpaladin teamfortress2 ubercharge memes tf2spy spycrab spymain uncledane tf2engineer tf2soldier arrayseven engineermain gottamovethatgearup medicmain pootis teamfortress teamfortress2memes teamfortressmemes tf2demo tf2heavy tf2medic tf2memes tf2pyro tf2scout tf2sniper medicmemes teamfortresstwo 88rising spymain
I stole the format from @engineer.tf2’s engineer list, and decided to do one for the medicinal man. The first one is for casual or community , but the second is for competetive, where the meta is ridiculously different. I’m not posting often by the way, only a few times a month.
#tf2 #tf2scout #tf2soldier #tf2pyro #tf2demo #tf2heavy #tf2engineer #tf2medic #tf2sniper #tf2spy #ubercharge #medicmain #spymain #teamfortress2 #tf2memes #ubercharge #pootis #gottamovethatgearup #teamfortress #teamfortressmemes #teamfortress2memes #engineermain #spycrab #uncledane #mrpaladin #arrayseven #memes #medicmemes #teamfortresstwo
I like legos, ok? #TF2 #Teamfortress2 #TF2andChill #Prey4Shy #vote4bozz #IronisdankAF #TF2Youtubers #TF2MrPaladin #TF2UncleDane #TF2Muselk #MrPaladin #UncleDane #Muselk #TF2Spy #Teamfortress2Spy #TF2Engineer #Teamfortress2Engineer #TF2Soldier #Teamfortress2Soldier #Chill {Art from MrPaladin's twitter} (He didn't mention the artist)