Describe this painting with one word! ✍️
Edvard Munch, Norway
Evening on Karl Johan Street (1892)
#edvardmunch #munch #egonschiele #schiele #expressionism #arthistory #modernism #paintings #painting #oilpainting #artoftheday #vangogh #impressionism #emilnolde #arte #picasso #klimt #picasso #art #gustavklimt #oilpaintings #expressionist #matisse #dailyart #konst #artofinstagram #Modigliani #ernstludwigkirchner #oilpaint #kunst
Vi ønsker alle en god pinse og velkommen til Munchmuseet. Åpent hver dag hele pinsen fra 10-17. Kom å se vår kritikerroste utstilling Exit!, hvor du får se og lese om de gode, vonde, morsomme, rare og spennende historiene fra Munchmuseets tid på Tøyen. Viste du at både Skrik og Madonna henger i salen sammen med de ødelagte rammene fra ranet? Håper vi ses! ☀️ Verket heter «Sol og oppvåknende nakne menn» og er malt i perioden 1910-11. //
Wishing you all welcome to The Munch Museum. We are open from 10-17 every day. Come and see our critically acclaimed exhibition Exit!, where you can see and read about the good, bad, funny, weird and exciting stories from the Munch Museum's time at Tøyen. Did you know that both The Scream and Madonna is exhibited along with the ruined frames from the robbery? Come and get the full story! Hope to see you
The painting «The sun and Awakening Nude Men» is painted in 1910-11
@munchmuseum #edvardmunch #munch #munchexit #exhibition
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Finding a job to start off with on a Monday is like the cast of love Island because I EQUALLY CANT STAND THEM ALL! Just kidding (about the baking) because after a weekend at stalls instead of cooking I can’t wait to get going whereas Love Island is boring me to death and I’m gonna start rewatching Lark Rise to Candleford in an evening instead (I’ll still watch it in the morning because Sami falls asleep during Love Island so needs to watch it whilst she works anyway ). I will be at St Ives Farmers Market on Saturday and Cambridge Market on Sunday and Malteser Munch will be there because you lot have been going absolutely insane for it recently to the point where I had to stop serving to cut another tray up at Ely last week! Layers of a malted milk and Malteser rocky road, topped with a thicc millionaires style caramel filled with maltesers and finished with an even thiccer layer of Malteser spread adorned with a hell of a lot more maltesers