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Veiled Lady mushroom?
Then, here's some more.
Phallus indusiatus
Picture by @mcgoodnessgracious
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“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” ~ Alan Watts •
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Raw Vegan Candy Cap Mushroom Caramel Cheesecake by @cirqueduferments. Made with candy cap mushrooms foraged along the coast last week. She dehydrated them (swipe left) so that they could take on their maple smell and taste. Then, she started playing with dessert ideas, and voilà, this little sweetie emerged! Topped with candied candy cap caps (that’s fun to say ) and candied walnuts. #wildfoodlove #rawvegancheesecake #lactariusrubidus #inseason
“I pick every mushroom at the perfect point right before the veil pops” said no person getting crops like this ever. PSA: mature mushrooms are not less potent, there is zero data to support this claim, but if everyone believes it.. it must be true right..? Ok Peter Paneleous ♂️
#mycelium #mushrooms #magicmushrooms #mushroomhunting #mothernature #nature #mushroomseason #mushroomsociety #mushroom #mycology #mushrooms #fungusamongus #fungi #fungus #foraging #earthoutdoors #shrooms
Mehrere tausend Exemplare auf kleinstem Raum - Trompetenpfifferlinge, Craterellus tubaeformis - Gefunden auf unserer Tour am 22.10.2017:
#trompeten #trompetenpfifferling #trompetenpfifferlinge #craterellus #craterellustubaeformis #tubaeformis
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