musiccamp summercamp music musiceducation musiclessons musicschool pianolessons adventureindonesia classicalmusic gunungindonesia musicmatters outdoorfestival outdoorindonesia outdoorland positiveparenting summer summercamp2019 wisatapetualangan afterschoolactivities bandcamp carync cello chambermusic chapelhillnc drumlinecamp durhamnc educational hillsboroughnc iioutfest2019 iioutfest3rdsummit афишахельсинки
Bagi yang belum tau OUTFEST ITU APA, simak nih penjelasan berikut & tonton video dokumentasi dari NET TV di acara OUTFEST 2017 .
Apa itu OUTFEST?
OUTFEST atau Outdoor Festival adalah salah kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi para pelaku kegiatan alam bebas maupun para pelaku bisnis petualangan. Kegiatan ini juga merupakan sebuah bentuk silaturahmi nasional para penggiat atau petualang alam bebas. Dengannya, kita semua dapat berkumpul dan berdiskusi tentang kemajuan kegiatan petualangan alam bebas. Pengalaman hebat para pakar yang tertularkan kepada yang lain sungguh sangat berguna dan menjadikan arah giat petualangan makin besar. Berprestasi, aman, dan harus terkabarkan kebaikan2 para pencinta petualangan alam bebas di Indonesia.
Courtesy : youtube/ .
#iioutfest3rdsummit #iioutfest2019
#outdoorfestival #outdoorindonesia #adventureindonesia #outdoorland
#musiccamp #gunungindonesia #wisatapetualangan
@chloetrevor_violin: Have you applied to the @chloetrevor_musicacademy yet Here are some highlights from last year!
Regular registration ends this weekend (extended through March 17th because of the Instagram/Facebook blackout on Wednesday ) - on Monday March 18th the application fee increases to $100 and scholarships (while still currently available!!) will no longer be guaranteed. Have a video recorded within this last year? Send that with your application and email us a new video later if you’d like!
String players and pianists from around the world, ages 12 and up, join us from July 28th to August 10th in Nacogdoches, Texas for two weeks of orchestra, chamber music, lessons, masterclasses, concerts, recitals, and so much more! Our featured guest artists this year are Rachel Barton Pine @rbpviolinist, Mike Block @blockcello, and Sean Chen @seanchenpiano! Youth, College, and Adult programs available!
Please leave a comment or message me or @chloetrevor_musicacademy with any questions about applying - we can’t wait to work with you all this summer! Happy Practicing!❤️
I decided to repost the videos that got deleted from my post about Jonathan (@psychokaz) yesterday (plus a few more) - because they're so awesome! (The second video is my favorite!) Because Jonathan is awesome! You should come to the Chloé Trevor Music Academy next summer and study with him!!
Go to the link in my profile to sign up to be notified when applications for the Academy are available!
Jonathan will be teaching private and group lessons, masterclasses, collaborative piano and piano literature! We will also be giving recitals and doing other fun things
We hope you'll join us next summer! Students from all countries are welcome! Leave any questions you have for Jonathan here in the comments and tag a friend who you think should attend the Academy! ❤️
Really missing all of the @chloetrevor_musicacademy students today! My only consolation is that I still get to interact with everyone here on @Instagram while we prepare for CTMA2019!! What were your favorite parts of camp? Orchestra? Chamber music? Eurythmics? Theory? Game day? Photo day? Conducting Let us know in the comments below, tag your friends, and tell us what you’d like to see happen next year! Can’t wait!❤️
Sofia in the final concert of the camp today... it was wonderful time, she said... new friends, first time without parents, a beautiful venue ...
#100daysofpractice #camp #musiccamp #masterclasses #violin #violinist #violingirl #castle #austria #davidgarrett #classicalmusic #conservatorykids
TB⚡️ Listen to this killer @1710percussion kit from the Red Bridge drum camp! Put on some headphones and listen to that kick!
@bnovak3232 @benzelbmore
#drumcamp #1710percussion #drumlessons #druminstructor #musiccamp #musicteacher #audioengineer #paistenation #drumsandlessons #drumsticks #beatmakers #drummingco #lowboybeaters #drumuniversity #indomusicgram #lppercussion #homestudio #drumsetup #drum #studiodrummer #musicstudio #drums #drumdots