mydadisproud daddysgirl mazuchsjourney blessed learning analuizaluizi breathe cannabiscommunity cannabisculture football friends fullylegal funtimeswithfriends futureisgreen grateful happy hero howawesome lastshow latraviata lincolncenter loveit metopera metoperaballet mymomisproud mypal nailedit nasm nycdancer placidodomingo
Got to share the stage with the one and only @placido_domingo
Isn’t that awesome? Yes or YES?!!! #latraviata .
#operalife #operadancer #metopera #metoperaballet #howawesome #theoneandonly #placidodomingo #thethreetenors #bts #operalover #superstar #lastshow #nycdancer #themetropolitanopera #lincolncenter #mydadisproud #mypal #analuizaluizi
In Germany we have this phrase: "Gut gedacht, scheiß gemacht." - "Well thought, shitty excecuted." I'm currently in the process of ripping out an old heating system + pipes from our new flat. For some reason the installation dudes left the pipes in two rooms and I have no idea why as they're all disconnected and just hanging there gathering rust. So here I am ripping them out and bleeding this old ass radiator that has been standing in the living room corner full of water for three years waiting to burst. Lovely.
#adottaresoluzionipunkpersopravvivere #fuckmylife #soberlin #whitetrashrepairs #homorenovations #mydadisproud
It’s snowing❄️❄️❄️❄️now but before that started my dad took me to the dog park for some frisbee time. Back on September I was sort of attacked by a dog at the park and since then I’ve been afraid and haven’t wanted to go there. I wouldn’t even get out of the car!!! But this time I did!!!!! My dad is so happy and proud of me!! I’m proud of me!!!#wallythebulldog#nolongerafraidofthepark#mydadisproud#sirwallace#bulldogsofinstagram
My dad was showing Reiners 25 years ago. Something inside me wanted to join him. But I was showing some all-around classes then, the “easy stuff.” I went to a show with Dad for fun and won my first Reining class. “You can do this,” Dad said. But back then I heard other voices: You don’t have the courage. You don’t have enough money. You aren’t that good. Those people can really ride. Your boyfriend will be annoyed. ... and I let the stories have power. A few years ago, something shifted, and my Love outweighed the Fear. And I pulled a horse from Dad, and I decided maybe I could what I wanted to do decades earlier, even if it seems like everybody’s a Reiner now, and everybody has a good horse. And I worked hard the last few years. So to me, the awards, they’re nice ... but really - those are symbols of #unfinishedbusiness ... on a soul level. The universe was always urging me on. I had all I needed the whole time. That desire was leading me on to my destiny. I just had to let go of my own fear. I may not show Reiners forever. Maybe someday I’ll just trail ride or help a friend move cows. But for now, I’m going to ride the wave of passion. Because I love this. And I just want to say to you: TAKE THE ICE SKATING LESSONS. OPEN THE RESTAURANT. GO TO INDIA. YES, DO WHATEVER IT IS YOU WANNA DO BUT ARE SCARED TO DO. Because like Hafiz said centuries ago, #everydesireofyourbodyisholy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and the congrats should be really for following the dream, not necessarily winning. #mydadisproud
#Repost @analuizaluizi (@get_repost)
Got to share the stage with the one and only @placido_domingo
Isn’t that awesome? Yes or YES?!!! #latraviata .
#operalife #operadancer #metopera #metoperaballet #howawesome #theoneandonly #placidodomingo #thethreetenors #bts #operalover #superstar #lastshow #nycdancer #themetropolitanopera #lincolncenter #mydadisproud #mypal #analuizaluizi