lessthings myminimalistjourney becomingminimalist decluttering desafiodecisum minimalism minimalist simplicity lessstress livingwithless simplelife simplifying stopthemadness lettinggo theminimalists decisum declutter gratitude itsallaboutthejourney simple vidaminimalista desafiominimalista minimalista lessstressed minimalismo souminimalista smallmomentsofcalm theperfectsimple thesimpleeveryday livewithless theminimalists
Morning coffee painting - Making new pieces for my bedroom- I love simple ART but this- doesn't necessarily mean Easy. People confuse simplicity with the fact of art being Easy - Finding the balance of curves, lines and space is an art in itself ! someone asked me yesterday if I had a degree in arts ! I said Nope! Not at all, other than me in art class in elementary and high-school being overly enthusiastic, I just had it in me @fansee_nansee Remembers lol ! --- mme Grolo at Villa Maria ! .... So ! However! I do think we all have art manners. Its something Personal to the viewer! Alot of you will Dislike this painting and prefer trees and forest while im not so fond of that particular visual, I can still appreciate it and respect others tastes. But , what I mean is, art is everything and Nothing ! Its what you want a see , or what you feel towards something you can see, feel or hear. The important is that it speaks to YOU. and... thats all that really matters I find. so ! Thia minimalistic drawing, inspired by my greatest Picasso, reflects ( my emotional personality , according to my MOM ! Haha ) but also my multiple faces. I like being an artist, a photographer, a designer and an illustrator all at once ! and why NOT ! someone once said, you do everything But nothing ! as in, i do it all but not really fully engaged.... Hopefully this was not an insult, but I realized at that moment that people with extreme creativity are misunderstood by the less artistic minds. we re almost looked upon as people who dont commit to one job ! and , its sad ! Because how I see art is , it has no limits, no boundaries. It should be expressed in as many forms as you wish ! and why would I focus on one ! To have one major title ? To be labeled for the sake of society.... Anyhow... everyone is different, but im sure some of you will relate to this feeling of wanting to try it all ! and my answer to this is . do it ! .
#arts #apartmentdecor #appartmenttherapy #artsy #myminimalhome #minimalistinstincts #myminimalistjourney #mysimplyfreshdecor #simplede #arts #artist #canvaspainting #minimalisthome #minimalists
Titi has grown a little bit since this picture but I still wanted to post it because last week in Milan, when I was under a lot of pressure and had so much to do, this particular memory was warming my heart. Helping me to relax. Funny how the presence of Nadav and this little ball of fur always manage to release any stress I might be feeling. With them around it's like nothing truly bad can really happen. I guess I found my team, and am hanging on tight ☺️ Is there anything in particular that grounds you and allows you to remain calm in times of stress?⠀
#traveltheroadtoquiet #theperfectsimple #aconsideredhome #mynestandburrow #thisauthenticfeeling #pocketofmyhome #thatscandinavianfeeling #minimalandpale #theartoflife #alifealive #aquietstyle #momentslikethis #inpraiseofslowness #chasingmagic #calmversation #livethemagic #greenmyhome #themodernvoyage #embracingslowerlife #thesimpleeveryday #cherishandrelish #slowdownwithstills #stillography #daysofsmallthings #smallmomentsofcalm #myminimalistjourney #searchwanderconnect #presentoverperfect #startwithwhy #livemoremagic
Hey guys! Thanks for following along!... I just wanted to share a little bit about our journey... we used to live in a large 4 bedroom house and I had my dream big black suv.. things were great! We just didn’t have money to do things we wanted.... and that wasn’t going to work for us.
So flash forward a little and here we are... in our “tiny” 2 bedroom 1 bath house 800 sq ft house with 3 Littles and one on the way! .
We are happier than we ever were with all of that “stuff” we thought we needed! Living a #minimalistlifestyle has brought us more joy & opportunities than we could have ever thought!
Thats not saying it’s easy all the time, living with less can definitely be a struggle. I catch my self comparing to others sometimes and I immediately have to just think about why we did this and all the positive things that have come from it... if you are thinking about it I would 100% encourage you to start someplace! Feel free to message me and chat! .
Here is a little before and after of our kitchen remodel we did!! Currently we are working on our bathroom.... I haven’t had a shower in our house since we bought it last February hoping only another week .
#debtfreecommunity #debtfreeclutterfree #debtfreejourney #minimalist #minimalisthome #minimaliststyle #beforeandafter #kitchenrenovation #kitcheninspo #clutterfreewithkids #minimalistwithkids #fridayintroductions #organization #simplystyleyourspace #simplehome #simpleliving #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodsimplified #smallspaceliving #smallkitchen #declutterlikeamother #declutteryourlife #decluttered #smallspacesquad #organizedhome #organizedmom #minimalistics #minimalistliving #myminimalistjourney
“Olhe ao seu redor. Essa tranqueira toda já foi dinheiro.” (cataploft!)
#becomingminimalist #becomingaminimalist #myminimalistjourney
Amen ⠀
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#whenlessbecomesmore #cleartheclutterandbreathe #simpleandstill #nestandthrive #decluttering #alifeofintention #simplifyyourlife #essentialist #soulfulsimplicity #loveminimal #simpleandstreamlined #thesimpleeveryday #becomingminimalist #bemorewithless #minimalistliving #intentionalism #livewithless #theperfectsimple #fewerbetter #intentionalliving #declutteryourlife #noclutter #clutterfreeliving #lifeunfettered #slowliving #simpleliving #smallmomentsofcalm #myminimalistjourney #maximizedminimalist #decluttersurvivalguide
Has maintaining your uncluttered home become second nature or do you have to be intentional about it each day?⠀
I was asked this great question a few weeks ago during a podcast interview..⠀
My answer? BOTH. I had to be intentional each day, to choose not to shop online, not "browse" at the store, (because we ALL know browsing turns into BUYING), to stop paying attention to social media ads telling me I needed this new makeup, or these new leggings. That took intention.⠀
Now, all of that has become much more second nature. It doesn't take as much effort as it used to. ⠀
I think for most people, during the decluttering process, we bring LESS into our homes, organically. ⠀
We start to pay attention and give more thought to things coming IN, because we're working so hard on moving things OUT.⠀
No matter where you are in the process, remember to be ruthless in your editing of your stuff. ❤️⠀
#whenlessbecomesmore #cleartheclutterandbreathe #simpleandstill #nestandthrive #decluttering #alifeofintention #simplifyyourlife #essentialist #soulfulsimplicity #loveminimal #simpleandstreamlined #thesimpleeveryday #becomingminimalist #bemorewithless #minimalistliving #intentionalism #livewithless #theperfectsimple #fewerbetter #intentionalliving #declutteryourlife #noclutter #clutterfreeliving #lifeunfettered #slowliving #simpleliving #smallmomentsofcalm #myminimalistjourney #maximizedminimalist #decluttersurvivalguide
As we enter December, I’m flashing back to this photo from January 2nd. I had gathered all the cleaning products I owned, sat with my jaw hanging open in astonishment, then decided NO MORE. I was going to use up as much as I could and buy no more until it was needed. —
Almost a year on and I’m planning to sort through cleaning products again. I’ve shrunk my collection dramatically but I still have waaaay too much!! —
In 2019 I am committed to using up everything that remains and using only eco friendly and homemade products thereafter — —
I am far from finishing my minimalism journey, but I’m getting there and learning the benefits of living with less more and more each day #lessismore #progressnotperfection -
Am I the only one who is a cleaning product addict?!
I don't think there is any sweeter way to spend a Sunday.. Less than 24 hours into life with this furry bundle of love, and we're already completely and utterly smitten. Having him sleep between us all night was just the warmest feeling ⠀
If anyone's wondering, he is a British shorthair chinchilla, just a month and a half old, and he's just like a tiny cat wolf. Meet Titi, the sweetest addition to our home to date, and my quickest way to utter relaxation ⠀
#traveltheroadtoquiet #theperfectsimple #aconsideredhome #mynestandburrow #thisauthenticfeeling #pocketofmyhome #thatscandinavianfeeling #minimalandpale #theartoflife #alifealive #aquietstyle #momentslikethis #inpraiseofslowness #chasingmagic #calmversation #livethemagic #themodernvoyage #embracingslowerlife #thesimpleeveryday #cherishandrelish #slowdownwithstills #stillography #daysofsmallthings #smallmomentsofcalm #myminimalistjourney #searchwanderconnect #presentoverperfect #journeytoself #livemoremagic
The documentary that changed my life. Have you seen it? If not it’s called, Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important things by #theminimalists and can be found on Netflix
This film is such a fond part of my journey, that I watch it a few times a year to remember the things I learnt. But more often than not, every few months I play the first five minutes as that was the moment that changed it all. I’ve written an exert of Ryan’s opening words but if you can, put it on and listen to it yourself because it’s kind of profound
“I had everything I ever wanted. I had everything I was suppose to have. Everyone around me said, “you’re successful” but really I was miserable. There was this gaping void in my life, so I tried to fill that void the same way many people do, with stuff, lots of stuff.
I was filling the void with consumer purchases, I was spending money faster than I was earning it, attempting to buy my way to happiness. I though I’d get there one day, eventually, I mean, happiness had to be somewhere just around the corner. I was living pay check to pay check, living for a pay check, living for stuff. But I wasn’t living at all.”
It still gives me goosebumps when I watch this scene. Am I weird?! Tell me, if you’ve changed direction in your life, can you remember the moment that changed it and if you hold it dear, like I do?!