advancedbionics naidaci cochlearimplant глухотанеприговор cochlearimplantation harmony neptune детислышат путьвмирзвуков яслышу кохлеарная_имплантация кохлеарнаяимплантация нейросенсорнаятугоухость бфмелодияжизни какговорятдетики аквакейс aquacase deaf deafcommunity deafgirl medtech naidaciconnect naidaq90 sonova hearingimpaired hearingimpairment naida naidaciq90 naidaconnect кохлеарныйимплант
Nossas Fonoaudiólogas tiveram nesta sexta, treinamento sobre Implante Coclear da Advanved Bionics com a super profissional Marilia Botelho. Obrigada grupo Sonova pela oportunidade!
Equipe Quality sempre se aprimorando para oferecer o melhor tratamento à nossos pacientes!
Here's a look at a possible setup with the Bluetooth® enabled Naída CI Connect.
Pictured here: Naída CI Q90, PowerCel 170, Naída CI Connect, UHP Cable, UHP 3.0, UHP Color Cap
#AdvancedBionics #AB #NaidaCI #Naida #NaidaCIConnect #NaidaConnect #CochlearImplant #deafcommunity #deafgirl #deaf #Sonova PowerCel170 #hearingimpaired #hearingimpairment #NaidaQ90 #NaidaCIQ90 #medtech
(Excuse the horribly unflattering photo )
For the first time, I had somebody ask me about my ComPilot! I work out at the gym in our local community college, and they usually have a college student working as an attendant.
They mainly stand around looking bored; sometimes they do homework, scroll their phone, or walk around and wipe down machines. I try to wave and talk to them to break up what must be a monotonous few hours of their day.
So today I was just about to start the rowing machine, and the attendant waved from across the room and pointed to her sternum, then towards me. I realized she was asking what I was wearing.
I turned off the ComPilot (I can't hear anything but music when it's on -- the sound streams directly into my head and obliterates everything else), and then I walked over and explained to her that I was deaf and that the ComPilot was streaming music wirelessly from my phone to my cochlear implants.
Sometimes I forget how weird it is to tell someone that I'm deaf and in the next breath explain how I'm listening to music. We had a great chat, and it was fun to connect to a young person and show how technology can benefit people of all ages and abilities. Life is good!
#deafnotdeaf #realABrecipient #cochlearimplant #hearingloss #hearingagain #compilot #advancedbionics #phonak #naidaCI
How will Bluetooth® connectivity improve your CI experience? Let us know.
Visit the link in our bio to learn more about the Naída™ CI Connect.
Not all products are available in all regions, please check with your local AB representative. -
#AdvancedBionics #AB #NaidaCI #Naida #NaidaCIConnect #NaidaConnect #CochlearImplant #deafcommunity #deafgirl #deaf #Sonova #PowerCel170 #hearingimpaired #hearingimpairment #NaidaQ90 #NaidaCIQ90 #medtech #bluetooth #techcrunch #wired #technews #technology
О кохлеарной имплантации глазами самих пользователей и их близких
Смотрите больше на (активная ссылка в шапке профиля)
#AdvancedBionics #ПутьВМирЗвуков #Кохлеарная_Имплантация
#НейросенсорнаяТугоухость #яслышу #ГлухотаНеПриговор #ДетиСлышат #КохлеарнаяИмплантация #Neptune #NaidaCI #Harmony #cochlearimplantation #какговорятдетики #cochlearimplant #бфмелодияжизни
Очень классная новость!
По результатам завершившегося 21-го апреля в Пензе Чемпионата России по плаванию (спорт глухих), Трошин Марк в составе Сборной России примет участие в Чемпионате Мира в Сан-Пауло (Бразилия) в августе.
Поздравляем Марка и родителей, Виктора и Ольгу Трошиных, с большими достижениями! Желаем сил, терпения, здоровья для достойного представления России на международной спортивной арене.
Мы все будем болеть за Марка Трошина
#AdvancedBionics #ПутьВМирЗвуков #Кохлеарная_Имплантация
#НейросенсорнаяТугоухость #яслышу #ГлухотаНеПриговор #ДетиСлышат #КохлеарнаяИмплантация #Neptune #NaidaCI #Harmony #cochlearimplantation #какговорятдетики #cochlearimplant #бфмелодияжизни