namasteyoga yogainspiration yoga yogagram menatyoga namaste yogalife yogaasana yogachallenge yogajourney yogaoutdoors йога yogamotivation йогапоза yogainstructor yoga_men yogaformen yogaposes йогаасаны yogateacher yogi menyoga yogisofinstagram намастейога yogaoutside yogapose yogapractice йоганаприроде instayoga yogaeveryday йогаасаны
Attitude of gratitude my friends. I read something yesterday that @kevindhofer stumbled upon and shared. It was about a woman fighting against biological odds with a positive mindset. Instead of dreading the responsibilities of reality and thinking, “I HAVE to ___” shift your thoughts to, “I GET to ___”. It’s all about perspective and your attitude towards the world. Even in the darkest of times the smallest sliver of positivity can reach and make the biggest difference
Last week I put my mat down in the corner of the room by the mirror where not a lot of light reaches. I felt weak, sluggish and heavy during the class. During one of our shavasana our teacher opened the door, flooding parts of the room with light, I looked towards the mirror and there was the brightest rainbow being reflected on my literally made my heart flutter. Literal experience of light at the end of the tunnel. My practice flipped 180 within a split second
Some of us are so blessed mentally and physically, we neglect to be grateful. Greed and ego creep in demanding more and never satisfied ⤵️Tell me what YOU are grateful for
: @lelelesia
hip / hamstring opening & other random things that felt really good on this floor before teaching my class. i sometimes feel this weird resistance to move my body freely in this way, but the moment i do i realize it is what i need most. i love how this practice brings me back to my natural state of peace. •
#inhaleexhale #movingmeditation #yogaflow #vinyasaflow #practiceandalliscoming #yogavideo #yogasequencing #inflexibleyogis #beyondyoga #aloyoga #backbends #kapotasana #hipopener #heartopener #igyogacommunity #yogisofinstagram #namasteyoga
It may not be the focus of this post but this pose is one of my favourite to photograph. I’m a sucker for symmetry and the quirky way the arms look like they’re on the wrong side of the body just has me all
So day 2 of #ExploreYourMudras is Anjali Mudra It has its own emoji! Probably the best known mudra and more commonly called prayer hands, joining the palms in this way is a gesture of respect but is also used to create calm and focus within the body which is why it is often taken at the beginning of a yoga class
Probably the only mudra that I consistently use within my practice and without even realising it! But in answer to my own question from yesterday, I totally feel on board with this one in feeling calm when I use it. Maybe that’s also cos usually I am sat still with my eyes closed and focussed on my breathing.... but I’m gunna give it the benefit of the doubt today
Sponsored by @aloyoga & @alo.moves
#anjali #anjalimudra #yogamudras #reverseprayer #prayerhands #namasteyoga #aloyoga #beagoddess #aloyogachallenge #januaryyogachallenge #shouldermobility #girlswithmusclesrock #upperbodystrength #makingshapes #symmetrysundays #hipopener #igyogachallenge #igyogacommunity #namastehands #yogaathome #ukyogis #yogaposestoday #beautifulyoga #yogaart #yogalearning #yogateacher #yogaphotography
#fuerzamental #namaste #namaste #namasteॐ #meditacion #meditación #positivo #pensamientospositivos #pensamientos #significado #yoga #crecimiento #crecimientoespiritual #crecimientopersonal #amor #soyamor #yosoy #universo #luz #yosoyluz #paz #pazinterior #pazeequilibrio #namasté #namasteyoga #frases #superacionpersonal #superacion
The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.... #namaste #namaste #namasteyoga #namasteeveryday #namastefitchicks #yoganamaste #beachside #beachyogagirl #yogagirl #yogaholic #yogavibes #beachyoga #beachday #yogaphotography #yogamotivation #yogapose #beachfront #myyogalife #myyogabody #yogabodyfitness #yogaforlife #perfectbody #peace #yogachallenges #yogaforall #yogaanywhere #pictureoftheday #yogagram #yogalover #yogamakesmehappy
Have a cozy Saturday, girls!
This is one of our old printed leggings... it's always great to see how much you love them and how long you wear them. Thanks for sharing @charmed_by_yoga *
#mandala #mandalayogawear #yogiupyourlife #yogapeople #yogawear #yogadaily #yogaforlife #yogalover #yogaphotography #yogis #yogisdobetter #yogisofinstagram #organicfashion #fairfashion #slowfashion #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #yoginis #loveyoga #yogagirls #namasteyall #namasteyoga #yogapantsforlife #yogaposes #yogafit #yogafun #yogafashion #yogaleggings
Yesterday I had a good long conversation with a dear friend while waiting at the doctors. We talked about not being too hard on our selves when our hearts don’t align with our work/studies. You shouldnt think of yourself as a quitter, failure or that you are running away from your problems if you choose to leave a situation that in the long run isn’t +EV. You may have lost the battle but not the war. Successful people always talk about how you will fail many times throughout life. They even encourage it because that means you tried and got out of your comfort zone. Most of us are so young and have the luxury to keep failing and trying new things.
⚡️Have you failed recently?
Wearing @aloyoga : @karmacaptures
think of one challenge you want to face today. it doesn’t have to be huge - it can be as small and simple as resting if your schedule allows it/body needs it , or smiling at yourself in the mirror :) today i am working on hip and hamstring-opening stretches. since i pulled my right hamstring last fall i have been taking it slow or modifying, and i am starting to experience more comfort in opening up that side for the first time in 6 months. the challenge for me is to remain gentle and kind to my body while i ease myself back into more intense hip openers. it was frustrating at first not being able to do fancy splits on both sides anymore, but now that i’ve given myself time to heal i recognize that it’s not about the pose, it’s about what i need to get there - and for me it’s practicing more gentleness, more patience
#mondaymotivation #settingintentions #dancerposevariation #practiceandalliscoming #progressnotperfection #kingdancerpose #natarajasana #yogapose #namasteyoga #balancingpose #yogapractice #homeyogapractice #hipopener #heartopener #yogachallenge #inflexibleyogis #yogaeverydamnday #yogagirl #yogini #igyoga #dtsa #igyogacommunity #yogisofinstagram