napt training doha oilandgas qatar safety military security internationaltraining global professional rescue counseling police army acadmic consultancy emergency thestateofqatar journaltherapy nationalacademyforprofessionaltraining safe therapy firefighting firstaid poetrytherapy aviation procurement services chms
It's National School Bus Safety Week. You know who else makes a big difference? Our bus drivers. We make sure that our drivers have all the tools they need to ensure a safe experience, whether it's our windows for higher visibility, our amazing set of #BusWise tools for awareness outside of the bus, and a comfortable driving cabin for those long days in the driver's seat. #RideSafeWithThomas #NSBSW #NAPT #ThankYouDrivers
High ankle sprain Sure we can get you right. 3-4 week recovery? NO not quite. Let’s try 5 days!! Yes 5 days for a high ankle sprain for the large human they call @vanillagorilla_12 way to work. #hardworkpaysoff #thereisnooffseason #nafam #FRA #FRC #results #napt #NAphysicaltherapy @spectaculr_vernaculr @drsxcabralesnapt
@playnwpa is a tour that I have been wanting to be a part of for years, but always made excuses as to why I wasn't ready to try. I am looking forward to joining this fantastic group of competitors and learn so much from everyone I meet. Anyone can join and play... so, why not? I'd rather try and get knocked down so that I can get tougher through getting back up and keep going.
Wooo! Just memorized give or take 133 physics, trigonometry, chemistry, and calculus cards in under 8 days! I wouldn't have been able to do it without @cameronalanray at my side! I'm going to take the #napt for the #navy hopefully on Tuesday! I have worked very hard for this opportunity! I'm gonna make my family, myself, my friends and most of all my country proud! I will become a NAVY NUKE! I will pass this test and be successful! #military #test #physics #cards #school #speed #learning #studying #sub #carrier