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✔️Non lamentarti se la tua vita non ti rende felice
✔️Cerca sempre di migliorarti
✔️Se la tua vita non è soddisfacente allora cambia STRADA
Esattamente ciò che è successo a me Ho 27 anni e tanti sogni da realizzare, presto sarò mamma e voglio dare un futuro concreto a mio figlio.
Ecco perché ho deciso di iniziare questo lavoro , utilizzando i social non più per svago ma per crearmi una vera e propria attività da casa (HAI capito bene, io lavoro da casa)
Ho smesso di lamentarmi e ho agito, cosa mi ha permesso e mi permette questo lavoro online ? tante cose che a scriverle tutte non basterebbe un libro! .
Non accontentarti MAI
E se sei una ragazza/mamma/donna in cerca di reale cambiamento,se hai voglia di passare più tempo con i tuoi figli senza dovergli lasciare presto la mattina e rivederli in tarda serata , e se vuoi incrementare realmente le tue entrate ti aspetto in pvt !
#mammeitaliane #lavorosuisocial #lavorodacasa #lavoroonline #vitadamamma #mammesocial #mammeonline #mammefelici #amazing #ootd #wow #iger #igersitalia #influenceritalia #picoftheday #goodvibes #networkerlife #happy #work #sonrisa #networkmarketingtips #instacool #instagood #libertà #lavoro #mammaincarriera #lavoraredacasa #stylish #style #fashionable
Do you agree? Tag a boss babe. In my world, when women come to me and they are struggling to build their businesses, generate new clients, make more MONEY, 99% of the time it is because of one thing: consistency. If you don't show up, people stop trusting you. Imagine if your hair salon was inconsistent! Your roots show up in 3-5 weeks like clockwork - imagine if you called and they said, "oh, sorry - we've been distracted by our kids. Life got in the way!" You would never go back!
Your audience is the same. If you allow your life's distractions to fuel your inconsistent actions online for your business, you will not grow. You will not find new clients. You will not reach those dreams.
Stop allowing the shiny objects to steal your focus and SHOW.UP. That's it. That's how you make a successful business and money and reach those dreams you love to talk about. Consistent Action Over Time cannot fail. It's virtually impossible.
I'll be live later today at noon eastern talking about content, and how you can stay consistent in the creation of it - and how you can create content that your audience actually responds to. Tune in
Zeigen Sie Ihrem Kunden, dass sie ihm ein starker Partner sind. Mal durch taktisches Schweigen, mal durch gut vorbereitete Abschlussfragen.
Show your customers that you are a strong partner. Sometimes by tactical silence, sometimes by well-prepared questions.
➖➖➖*ignorieren*➖➖➖➖ #ThomasGangloff #tmg24erfolg #Erfolg #Erfolgsmensch #ErfolgistkeinGlück #Coach #Attitude #mlmsuccess #Network #Networker #NetWorkMarketing #NetworkMarketingTips #GutesLeben #mlm #MultiLevelMarketing #Begeisterung #Gedanken #Gedankentanken #Zitat #Zitate #ZitateundSprüche #Sprüchezumnachdenken #Motivationssprüche #Selbstständig #Verkauf #verkaufe #verkaufen #Verkäufer #Aussendienst #Außendienst
SMCEO rule #3 : your business is only as good as it’s systems
It might not sound sexy, but your systems & processes are a fundamental component of running a sustainable and scalable social media business.
As a business that offers a service--setting up smart, repeatable systems is how you’ll begin the journey to six figures.
Whether you’re ready to scale right now, or you plan to stay solo for a while & scale with a team later, it’s imperative that you develop the foundational systems & processes that you’ll use to operate your business day in & day out.
Taking the time to get these systems in place will create a sense of flow in your business & give you peace of mind as your company grows.
Click through the link in the bio to learn the 3 systems your social media business will need to set up if you want to scale to six figures…
#thesocialmediaceo #SMCEO
#empoweredwomen #femaleentrepreneur #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment
#womeninbusiness #empoweredwomen #femaleentrepreneur #womenwhohustle #fempreneur #femaleempowerment #socialmediamanagers #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #marketingmanager #socialmediamarketing #creativemarketing #biztips #branding101 #creativepreneur #freelancetofreedom #networkmarketingtips #brandingexpert #brandstrategist #brandingidentity #brandingmyself #igstrategy #socialmediatips
To the pregnant women on social media posting constant updates and belly pictures... I love seeing how excited you are to become a mommy.❤
To the person who posts their whereabouts on new gadgets, Thanks for showing how blessed you are. This will set as a reminder for us to work and strive to achieve our goals.
To the women posting selfies...thanks for letting young girls know that it's okay to love yourself and to feel beautiful!
To the mom posting a million pictures of her kids... it makes my heart so happy to see parents so proud of and loving their babies!
To the married couple constantly posting happy love posts....thank you for being a reminder to the next generation that all hope isn't lost and happy marriages most definitely DO exist.
To the business owners who constantly post about their businesses... keep going! Your strong will and passion for what you do is astounding! Even in the midst of all the negative remarks, you keep on going for yourself and your family!
To the person posting about their fitness journey and how they decided to change their lifestyle for health reasons or just to look or feel better about themselves... I love seeing your progress pictures, your healthy meals , gym check ins... I especially love seeing your before and after pictures!!
Let's stop being annoyed by everything and start lifting each other up! ❤
Empower and encourage each other.
Let's create the change we want to see in the