newwaveswimbuoy openwaterswimming swimbikerun triathlete triathlontraining tri365 triathlon trilife ironmantraining swimming 3athlonlife tritraining ironmantri swimmer thetrihood top_triathletes halfironman triathletes triathlon_in_the_world triswimpics ironmantriathlon triathlonlife openwater swimrun ironman703 swim triathlongirl fitness ironman training 2019prom
#im703cairns good luck to everyone racing tomorrow. Can’t wait to see everyone out on course in they 70.3 and I’ll be cheering everyone racing #imcairns while on the run. #triathlete #triathlon #tri365 #ironmantraining #swimbikerun #triathlontraining #ironmantriathlon #garminau #runhappy #ironmantri #trilife #womenintri #swimmer #swimming #ironman #swim #cycling #runner #running #teamairofin #triedgecoaching #allworldathlete #teamAquasphere #newwaveswimbuoy
Looking forward to some warmer weather in Cairns this weekend. I’ve entered to 3km swim at Green Island on Thursday as a warm up. #fitswimwear #aquasphere #newwaveswimbuoy #swim #swimming #swimmer #triathlontraining #triathlon #ironman #ironmantriathlon #ironmantraining #loveswimming #swimbikerun #trilife #tri365 #triathleteintraining #triswimpics #garminau #ironmantri #triathlete #swimmingaddict #teamairofin #3athlonlife #triedgecoaching #allworldathlete
Quando comecei o curso de Educação Física, um professor me disse que ao longo dele, poderíamos mudar o rumo da carreira que havíamos escolhido...
Mas o meu rumo com certeza sempre será esse ;
Outdoor !
Let’s trail Run...⛰♥️
#neverstopexploring #exploreyourlimits
#nevergiveup #triatlonxsense #newwaveswimbuoy #mountainlife #moutainrunning #instarunners
#bemmontanhismo #clubedosaventureiros #montain #ciclismo #mtbbrasil #triathlon #mundotri #brasilrunners #travessias #mundooutdoor #nadapedalacorre #triatleta #triathlontraining #triathlonbrasil #igtrilhamos #fotography #trailandkale #runningfervor
Doing what I love. 3km Ocean swim at the beautiful Green Island. It was as rough as, but it was so much fun. @petemurray1912 I definitely toughened up. great to meet @theresakotwall and see @jane who smashed her swim today. Great warm up for Sunday. #im703cairns #greenisland #aquasphere #newwaveswimbuoy #swim #swimming #swimmer #triathlontraining #triathlon #ironman #ironmantriathlon #ironmantraining #loveswimming #swimbikerun #trilife #tri365 #triathleteintraining #triswimpics #garminau #ironmantri #triathlete #swimmingaddict #teamairofin #3athlonlife #triedgecoaching #allworldathlete
A prática da corrida é um dos melhores exercícios para manter a saúde em dia. Ela consegue movimentar boa parte do corpo, ajudando a perder medidas, melhorando o sistema cardiorrespiratório e cuidando também da sua saúde mental. Nada melhor do que uma corrida para te deixar mais leve no resto do dia.
Os músculos mais exigidos na corrida são :
- Quadríceps -Panturrilha -Glúteo máximo -isquiotibiais -Bíceps e deltoide
*bhrace. •
#runnersbrasil #runningmotivation #runingtime #runningfervor •
#neverstopexploring #exploreyourlimits
#nevergiveup #triatlonxsense #newwaveswimbuoy
#bemmontanhismo #clubedosaventureiros #montain #ciclismo #mtbbrasil #triathlon #mundotri #brasilrunners #travessias #mundooutdoor #nadapedalacorre #triatleta #triathlontraining #triathlonbrasil #igtrilhamos #fotography #trailandkale #trailrun
@gabifreits . @runningmovecuenca
“Eu sou aquela mulher que fez a escalada da montanha da vida, removendo pedras e plantando flores.
Eu sou a terra, eu sou a vida.
Do meu barro primeiro veio o homem.
De mim veio a mulher e veio o amor.
Veio a árvore, veio a fonte.
Vem o fruto e vem a flor.”
Cora Coralina
@kaa_chiquim ♥️
#neverstopexploring #exploreyourlimits
#nevergiveup #triatlonxsense #newwaveswimbuoy #correpaquitada
#bemmontanhismo #clubedosaventureiros #montain #ciclismo #mtbbrasil #triathlon #mundotri #brasilrunners #travessias #mundooutdoor #nadapedalacorre #triatleta #triathlontraining #triathlonbrasil #igtrilhamos #fotography #trailandkale #instarunners
Well I couldn’t get any wetter. Was good to catch up with the @shoeyz_australia crew and coach @jarrodharveytri. #aquasphere #newwaveswimbuoy #imoz #im703portmac #swim #swimming #swimmer #triathlontraining #triathlon #ironman #ironmantriathlon #ironmantraining #loveswimming #swimbikerun #trilife #tri365 #triathleteintraining #triswimpics #garminau #ironmantri #triathlete #swimmingaddict #teamairofin #3athlonlife #triedgecoaching #allworldathlete
This is the most underprepared I have ever gone in to a race and although I have been pretty calm about it, it’s finally hit me how hard it’s going to be. But, but I am just so happy to be lining up tomorrow, taking in the vibe, catching up with friends, cheering everyone on and spending a weekend away with my husband. #blessed #im703portmac #cycling #triathlete #triathlon #tri365 #ironmantraining #swimbikerun #triathlontraining #ironmantriathlon #garminau #sockdoping #ironmantri #trilife #cycle #cyclist #teamairofin #3athlonlife #wymtm #triedgecoaching #allworldathlete #RSArsenal #shakethedust #ridgesupply #teamaquasphere #imoz #newwaveswimbuoy