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..... African moms are the best mehn..they set.on right path....slapping and canning path @taaooma
I'm in love with your videos great jab xGood nite fam
Reposted from @taaooma - Is this your mum or nah! .
. @krakstv @yabaleftonline @tundeednut @bellanaijaonline @urbanyooba @pulsenigeria247 @correctbae @funny_african_pics .
. #taaooma #iyatao #tao #AfricanMother #NigerianMother #AfricanParents #iyaTao - #regrann
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African mum's are just legendary . Which one is your mum? Drop a comment . Via @maraji_
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#repost from @taaooma #reposta #reposta_app @reposta_app
This legit happened to me in my High school days . Who else had this experience? . e loud gan
@krakstv @yabaleftonline @tundeednut @bellanaijaonline @urbanyooba @pulsenigeria247 @correctbae @pebeepboy @funny_african_pics .
. #taaooma #iyatao #tao #AfricanMother #NigerianMother #AfricanParents #iyatao
Never Raise Your Leg Up When An African Mother Is Sweeping Instead you collect the broom
@urbanyooba @bellanaijaonline @krakstv @pulsenigeria247 @funny_african_pics @correctbae @360nobs @yabaleftonline @gossipmillnaija @westafrikanman @swicktv @onlyinnigeria
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