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Hashtags for theme #NOBLESILENCE

Day #838 Today marks the completion of our 3 months self meditation since we passed the Vipassana course in Hong Kong. The 10 days of intense meditation 12 hours a day, waking up at 4AM, meditating in silence and complete separation from each other with NO phone, NO exercise was tough but also the most wonderful and life changing experience for us!. * It not only bettered us as individuals, but made us stronger as a couple to experience self reflection. (physically apart but mentally & spiritually together). The world can always use more positive energy & mindfulness. * Everything begins with the mind and ourselves. If we can improve on ourselves, everyone benefits. ‍♀️‍♂️. * #vipassana #nothingispermanant #vipassanameditation #noblesilence #goodintentions #selfmeditation #10daysinsilence #positiveenergy #youarewhatyouthink #intensemeditation #seeingthingsasitis #noexpectationsnoregrets #focusonthemoment #bepresent #bemindful #practiceeveryday #exercisethebrain #couplesfitness #1000dayshealthyjourney

Hashtags for theme #NOBLESILENCE

From April 15 to 26 I have attended Vipassana course in Kerala, India...though I gave myself promise to survive at least 3 days out of 10, I Made It All It was much better than i expected, will definitely do it again! ⛧⛧⛧ Vipassana (by Goenko) is a 10 days silent course, with more than 10 hours of daily meditations. I call it "spiritual prison", where you follow strict rules and schedule. Wake up at 4 am. Lights out at 9:30 pm. And there is no chance to be left in a room, everyone follow the system Complete silence for 10 days, no phones No singing, writing, reading No yoga! (I gave up my #ashtanga practice for more than 2 weeks) 12 hours a day of sitting on the ground (cushions are offered), 10 out of them - meditation time. Students experience huge range of unmanagable emotions & thoughts. Very challenging & very intense, especially for complete beginners who have not practiced meditation before. The heads/minds of many of participants was exploding. Personally to me 4th & 8th days were difficult; I would catch on a certain situation and play it in my mind again & again, any sign of the sound around would distract me, everyone & everything would seem annoying (especially teacher)...impatience, irritation, anger and no willingness to meditate or close my eyes even at some points I laughed at myself & my reactions because it's obvious how powerless we are when it comes to the control of our own's tricky. Though we were around 50 persons, students should cultivate the feeling that they are working in isolation ⛧⛧⛧ Every participant should follow strict rules: # Not talking with anyone, Not having eye contact with anyone, Not walking together with anyone, And always looking down while walking #Noblesilence Means silence of body, speech, and mind. # No reading, no writing, no singing, no music # No yoga or any other physical excercises # No phones (mobiles are kept with management team) # No smoking # No food from outside # Complete separation of men & women # No physical contact #vipassanaindia #vipassanameditation #meditation #irinyoga #silenttime

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. RENUNGAN MAKAN Buddha Vision 002 Mari dukung akun Youtube Buddha Vision, Film Edukasi Buddhis 1 menit, dengan like, subscribe, dan share film ini. EHIPASSIKO FOUNDATION Dharma Character Building #ehipassiko #ehipassikofoundation #buddhavision #ashokamedia #handakavijjananda #buddhis #buddha #dharma #dhamma #meditasi #meditasimakan #meditation #paduanmeditasi #meditasimandiri #kesadaran #noblesilence #noblesilent #penyadaran #meditasipenyadaran #filmbuddhis #filmedukasi

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V I P A S S A N A ▪️ T O M O R R O W ➡️ 29 JULY Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. Vipassana is a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body, and that continuously interconnect and condition the life of the mind. It is this observation-based, self-exploratory journey to the common root of mind and body that dissolves mental impurity, resulting in a balanced mind full of love and compassion. The scientific laws that operate one's thoughts, feelings, judgements and sensations become clear. Through direct experience, the nature of how one grows or regresses, how one produces suffering or frees oneself from suffering is understood. Life becomes characterised by increased awareness, non-delusion, self-control and peace. THE CODE OF DISCIPLINE The foundation of the practice is sīla—moral conduct. Sīla provides a basis for the development of samādhi—concentration of mind; and purification of the mind is achieved through paññā—the wisdom of insight. The precepts All who attend a Vipassana course must conscientiously undertake the following five precepts for the duration of the course: to abstain from killing any being to abstain from stealing to abstain from all sexual activity to abstain from telling lies to abstain from all intoxicants There are three additional precepts which old students (that is, those who have completed a course with SN Goenka or one of his assistant teachers) are expected to follow during the course: to abstain from eating after midday to abstain from sensual entertainment and bodily decorations to abstain from using high or luxurious beds. Old students will observe the sixth precept by having tea without milk or fruit juice at the 5pm break, whereas new student may have tea with milk and some fruit. The teacher may excuse an old student from observing this precept for health reasons. The seventh and eighth precepts will be observed by all.

Hashtags for theme #NOBLESILENCE

Happy Summer Solstice & International Yoga Day! I woke up with no voice today... not exactly how I envisioned I would practice #noblesilence... but physically I feel fine. I take that back. I feel so full after flowing it out at deep house sunset yoga at Summer Solstice Times Square with my OMies. This is probably my favorite day of the year. . Thoughts on yoga in the middle of Times Square in NYC... if you can find peace here, you can find peace anywhere. . ☀️✨ . {06.21.17} . #mindovermadness #summersolstice #internationalyogaday #yogaeverydamnday #solsticetsq #aeriereal #timessquare #nyc

Hashtags for theme #NOBLESILENCE

Vipassana’dan sonra..☀️ 11 gündür dünya ile ve birbirimizle de iletişimimiz yoktu. 11 günlük monk hayatı. Tamamen sessizlik, konuşmadan, sıfır iletişim, günde 10 saat meditasyon, ne verilirse onu ye, uyu, otur, ye, uyu, otur, otur, otur...Büyük dönüşümler olduğunu derinden hissediyoruz. 10 gün sonra Cemil ile birbirimizle ilk görüşmemizde yeniden tanışmış gibi olduk. Gerçek anlamda, anlatılmaz yaşanır.. Detaylar, yazmaya içsel olarak uygun olduğum bir zamana artık. Be happy✌ #vipassana #nepal #dharmashringa #vipassanameditation #meditation #noblesilence #dhamma

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"Don't just do something. Sit there." #Meditate instead of #Medicate. #MonkeyMeditation #NobleSilence

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As some of you know, I went to a temple in the last weeks of 2018 to sit in silent meditation for a week. But before I share my experience about the silence, I’ll speak a little about the noise... . . 4 years ago I was misdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis, 3 years ago my father passed away, 2 years ago I ended up at the emergency convinced I had carbon monoxide poisoning (spoiler alert: turns I was having a nervous breakdown), 1 year ago my marriage ended in divorce, and this year I found out my beloved nanny passed away. . . When I had my nervous breakdown I was told to see a therapist, my therapist told me to “feel my feelings” -- that sounds simple, but I had no idea what “feeling my feelings” actually meant. I’d become an expert at suppressing my feelings and pain throughout my life. . . Fast forward… and here I was at a Buddhist monastery somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, where I was told not to talk, not to read for leisure, or use my phone. My days at the monastery were spent in silent meditation, mindful cleaning meditation, eating meditation, reading books from the temple library, and walking/hiking meditation. . . Day 1 and 2 was a big adjustment, I couldn’t fall asleep. Day 3, I had a full-blown panic attack in my room, all alone, as I hyperventilated and sobbed myself to sleep. Day 4, 5, and 6 were my breakthrough days… everything began to crystalize into better understanding. I had the soundest sleep I’ve had in ages on Day 4, 5, 6, and 7. . . *(if you’d like to read more, the rest of this post is included in the photos above)* . . #vipassana #noblesilence #meditation #silent #silence #truth #silentretreat #learning #insight #betterunderstanding #zen #buddhist #monastery

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After 10 days of Noble Silence, slowly coming back to the gross reality. 10 days of silence, 10 hours a day of meditation, got up at 4:30am. just two fruits after 12pm. No phone, no books, no notes, no any connection with others. Just me and my own mind. It was definitely the hardest and the most meaningful time of my life. What should I say more about what I've been through?! There is zero words to describe this experience, cuz all u can do it, is just challenge yourself and feel it in your own way. So excited to bring Vipassana practice to my life. #vipassana #vipassanameditation #vipassanacenter #bluemountains #motivation #experience #chalenger #love #peace #peaceofmind #sydney #australia #traveling #mountains #nature #noble #noblesilence #silence #nophone #happy #lifeisamazing #beautiful #photooftheday #photography #meaningful

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