nosetotail carnivore carnivorediet keto meatheals food zerocarb lowcarb healthy instagood meat nosetotaileating organic beef foodporn ketodiet ketosis lchf nosetotailcooking yes2meat farmtotable foodie glutenfree instafood ketocarnivore london paleo realfood sugarfree worldcarnivoretribe brainmushroom
Those sardines! For some reason, cooking whole fish can sometimes seem intimidating. But it can actually be extremely simple, quick and easy. Canned sardines are often bought instead of whole, fresh ones - yet I prefer the fresh due to a) less exposure to aluminium with the canning process, as well as less energy input and resources required, b) the canned version is nothing like the fresh version!!, c) you can save a decent amount of money! High quality canned wild fish can be quite expensive, but I can buy a whole kilo of fresh wild sardines for 8€. This is how I cook them: in the oven, with a thin layer of water and lemon juice, and on around 150° for 20-40 minutes (depends on how big they are), at which point I turn the oven off and leave them in the oven in the passive heat. They come out perfect to eat with the bone, the head and all, especially the smaller ones like these - the only thing I take off is the fin. A bit (or a lot!) of fresh lemon juice at the end, and that's how I like it! If you're not too attracted to eating the head and all, getting filleted sardines is also an option (or filliting them yourself! It's quite easy once you get the hang of it. The larger the sardine the easier). Grilled sardines are also the bomb! True nose to tail, whole animal nutrition in 1 meal!
Any other ways you cook fresh sardines?
#consciouscarnivore #meatheals #nourishandthrive #nosetotail #wholeanimal #sardines
I just had the most incredible birthday imaginable.
We tromped around @slowdownfarmstead seeing the animals and plants in the harmonious glory and enjoyed Tara’s special coffee with raw cream from Ursula the dairy cow.
Lunch was a spread fit for a king.
On a 6 foot board hand-milled and finished by her husband Troy was the following, all grown, butchered, and prepared from her own animals and farm (except for the sausage and cheese)
Organic pastured chicken, Rabbit rillette, duck liver and heart pâté, duck breast cooked in ghee, 3 organic raw cheeses, dehydrated mushrooms, smoked pickled quail eggs, garlic aioli, raw butter, pickled day lily buds, homemade mustard, yoghurt cheese with herbs, dehydrated beef chunks, smoke pork back fat (lardo), salt cured egg yolks, fermented radishes, kimchi, smoked summer sausage, and wild turkey in duck fat confit.
It’s a whole different ball game when you raise your own animals from birth to plate on your own property. Every single thing has been cared for and made by hand. This deep nutrition is unparalleled.
To be continued...
Dr. Weston A. Price was a dentist who heard about cultures that had no cavities and perfect teeth. He went out on a journey to find people like this who lived on their ancestral diets without intervention of modern industrial food.
He found isolated people groups who exhibited perfect health & showed no signs of physical or mental degeneration.
So what did they eat?
Every tribe he found ate nutrient dense animal foods. They wasted nothing, ate nose to tail, & enjoyed the organ meats & fat.
Nearly all tribes also ate starches and some sort of high carb food with their meals (with the exception of the Eskimos).
However they were not preparing starches like we are today. They would make sure to sprout grains and ferment them before consuming.
This deactivates most of the anti nutrients in the grains including the gluten.
Many tribes consumed raw dairy and the people who didn't made sure to eat bones (bone broth).
Another interesting thing to mention is that every culture made sure to import salt if they didn't have local access to it.
I think we can learn a lot from these people and incorporate some of their wisdom into our daily lives.
Repost @ancestralhealthguy
. . .
Learn more about the work of Dr. price in our brochure Timeless Principles of Healthy Diets!” #linkinprofile
#westonaprice #nosetotail #yestomeat #ancestraldiet #ancestral #broth #rawdairy #organmeats
Veganism is a byproduct of a sick society and system. Animal exploitation is not synonymous with eating animals. This is in response to a vegan comment on my last post, because unfortunately it's like talking to a brick wall with pre-programmed answers. No interest in conversation or true understanding, only pushing "facts" (from documentaries). It's quite impressive.
Let's be clear - 1. I never say a full carnivore diet is for every body as I do beleive in bio individuality, it is just an incredibly valuable tool that can be used in various ways BUT there is no denying the nutrient density + bioavailability of pastured #nosetotail animal foods that is PERFECTLY suited to human nutritional requirements, 2. I don't support nor advocate the conventional, industrial food system practices, whether it comes to plant or animal food production. I personally think the seperation of plant vs animal production is just another symptom of the western reductionist mindset, similar to how we've become so myopic in medicine that we have specialists in each organ system of the body instead of looking at the body as a whole. Regenerative farming is integrated and in many ways mimics an edible ecosystem where there are biodiverse communities of plants and animals working together in their synergistic magic to create ecosystem services and be of net benefit to the land. But lumping all meat into one label is complete ignorance. Anyone who goes to visit various farming operations would understand this, but because most of us just see the end product of meat in a plastic package in a supermarket & then watch Cowspiracy, we lump it all under 1 homogenous name, "meat". That's only looking in the box of the disconnect we have created in our industrialised, urban environment. Shift the paradigm to regenerative, and you get completely different answers outside the box. Oh, and 3. because I'm sorry, but this HAS to be clear: fiber is not an essential nutrient free yourself from unnecessary flactulance!
#consciouscarnivore #meatheals #keto #carnivorediet #vegan #veganrecovery
Do you make homemade bone broth? Pictured is beef broth. What is your favorite? Beef, chicken, lamb, fish? Let us know in the comments! Recipes in the link in profile! #wapf #westonaprice #bonebroth #broth #headtotail #nosetotail #nourishingtraditions #nourish
St. JOHN in Paris: our catwalk debut, courtesy of @commedesgarcons @junyawatanabeofficial. Work jacket, tote bag, t-shirt (not shown). And that blue-jacketed, St. JOHN-tote-bag-slinging boy-next-door? The opening look, no less. Junya Watnabe Man Spring/Summer 2020 collection. A proud moment for a minimal, modest little runway piggy.
Photographs courtesy of @voguemagazine.
#mensfashionweek #junyawatnabe #commedesgarcons #parisfashionweek #stjohn #stjohnrestaurant #fashioncollaborations #menswear #fergushenderson #parisrunway #nosetotail
NEW VIDEO ON YOUTUBE! Chhyachra (ছ্যাঁচড়া) is a form of pui chorchori (a mishmash/medley) made with fresh fish head—in this case head of katla (a large carp)—and pui shaak. If you are trying to find it outside Bengal, pui is often sold as Malabar spinach. It has a slightly slimy texture and a beautiful grassy flavour. Lots of other vegetables such as sweet potatoes, ripe pumpkin, potato and brinjal add a variety of flavours and textures. Another optional, but highly recommended, addition is the kathal (ripe jackfruit) seeds. They are starchy, sweet to taste and have a nutty flavour.
#kolkata #bengalifood #bengali #malabarspinach #recipevideo #indianyoutuber #bengaliyoutuber #foodtube #nosetotail
What’s your Grilling Goals? What’s the biggest feast you ever cooked? My dream is to be at a place they grill a whole cow with Maestro @marioportellamg That cow rig is totally ridiculous Thank you for sharing this, credit : @marioportellamg
#fire #cow #asado #paleo #keto #meatcurator #brazil #nosetotail
So Leute, erinnert ihr euch noch an dieses Baby? Viel ist passiert seit wir diese schöne Schüssel das erste mal gepostet haben.
Nun ist es endlich soweit, ihr könnt dieses Prachtstück vorbestellen und wir fangen direkt an zu kochen, allerdings ist es extrem aufwendig und wir brauchen dafür mindestens 6 Tage vorlauf.
Sie wird Teil unseres 5 Gänge Überraschungs Menü für 95€ p.P. sein und nur für Gruppen von mindestens 4 Personen zur Verfügung stehen.
Bei Interesse einfach direkt hier eine Nachricht schreiben ☺️
Für die die nicht wissen um was es sich hier handelt: schön kräftige Krustentier brühe, Carambineros, Pulpo, Kaviar, Wachtelei aji tamago, mini tomaten, frische knackige Erbsen, und und und
#ramen #ramenhamburg #hamburg #noodles #farmtotable #nosetotail #organic #bioland #homemade #ramennoodles #umami #umamifun #michelin #chef #cheflife #foodporn #food #misoramen #shioramen #fermentation #foodphotography #foodie #foodgasm #shio #miso #lesserpanda #lesserpandaramen #mazemen #lefooding @lefooding