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We are seeking physicians and nurse practitioners for virtual care who are seeking a disruptive approach to how they are able to engage and treat patients. Vive Concierge, on behalf of Vive Medical Group, is a company that is offering opportunities for those interested in being part of a culture taking a radical and smart approach within virtual and concierge medicine. In other words, we are setting a standard for the 21st Century practitioner and patient. Utilizing advanced and proprietary technology combined with standards of impeccable service, we are inviting physicians and nurse practitioners who have a demonstrated passion and commitment towards innovation, excellent patient care, and a desire to extend their skills to patients within not only their immediate physical geography, but throughout the United States and around the world utilizing our advanced platform of technology to create an enriched engagement between doctor and patient that truly is concierge in nature for every life we serve.
Apply today for what is a rich and unique opportunity.
Please submit your resume and letter of interest to
Me? A coach? A fitness motivator? A virtual influencer? . So silly. ⠀
But then I thought. Why the F not⁉️. ⠀
My passion is for health. I mean I am a ⚕️. My obsession is for fitness ♀️ ♀️ ⠀
My weakness is for food. ⠀
& my ability to commitment is always ⠀
Can those qualities make me a virtual coach for others? Guess I’ll try!!⠀
That’s what I said to myself before I starting my journey here motivating others. No I am not the trainer. They are all professional certified & friggin amazing. But rather I am YOUR motivation. The one thing that people honestly lack, or lose or need or WHATEVER . ⠀
I am no different from anyone else in the world. I too need to revamp motivation from time to time. So what motivates me This side business. This ability to push others out of their comfort zones & crush their goals. To see after a year of these programs they are still going strong. Because their patterns of failure and yo-yo dieting and never finishing a workout has disappeared ⠀
They now have long lasting MOTIVATION. ⠀
So yeah ya think ya need to be some super workout ⭐️ and eat kale all day to Coach with me NOPE! Ya just need a little ❤️, a passion for wellness & a drive to try something new. To take a chance on me and on YOU.... ⠀
I’m SO super excited to start my next coaching mentorship program. Yup. VIRTUALLY. ⠀
Fill out my link in bio ⬆️ and I’ll see if you can have that spot with me. ⠀
And yup. We may even have some fun.
Multiple New Jobs have been posted on the FemInEM website for the Sound Emergency Medicine department. There are multiple locations for each of these categories so make sure to take a look!
EM Medical Director
EM Physician
Click the link in our bio and head over to the “Jobs” tab!
#EMjobs #jobposting #soundemergencymedicine #NPjobs #PAjobs #EMphysicianjobs #soundphysicians