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❁❁❁ MONTHLY INTENTIONS YA’LL❁❁❁ I cannot believe it’s summer. Pinch me please- where has half of the year gone This month I want to focus on how to amplify my time off... I am not going to lie to you, I’ve been feeling a little bit burnt out at work lately & haven’t been giving myself time to recover in order to be ready for work. So this month I am going to enJOY my time off, move as much as possible, & find ways to make those around me happier.
I also am going to work on being open to the changes that are happening in my life- lots of big things are coming up, and I am going to release some control and let what comes come. I have a good feeling about this month, lots of stuff is coming but it’s going to be gooooddd! What do you guys have happening this month Tell me in the comments below! #livejoyful #monthlyintentions #wellnessjourney #wellnessblogger #nurse #preventnurseburnout #nurseblogger #monthkyintentions #juneintentions #nurse #nurselifern #nurselife #nursingstudent #nuraingschool #bsnstudent #absn #worklifebalanced #balancedlifestyle #balancedlife
-A young teenager with a disability, told that she would NEVER amount to more than a associate degree from a junior college
A young adult who was ANGRY at the world for throwing cants and limiting her to a perception
A BELIEVER who knew her WORTH was far greater than those who could not believe in a VISION she had for herself
She never IMAGINED being a registered nurse. Even in her wildest dreams, she never thought she would have the STRENGTH to face adversity and laugh at the underestimation of her ability
She took THEIR cant’s and made them GOALS.
Determined to break the mold, She BECAME more than and continues to DEFY the odds
She is Me , Andrea Dalzell and I was BORN TO MAKE HISTORY! .
#nursesofinstagram #brooklynborn #statenislandadopted #nursingschool #bsngraduate #newyorknurses #sigmathetatauinternational #voiceofchange #powerhousenurses #sittingpretty #blacknursesrock #blacknurseskillinit #nurselifern #dolphinforlife
Boa noite estudantes! Hoje vim dar algumas dicas de conteúdos essenciais para se ter no seu caderno de bolso do estágio ou da residência. .
Eu sempre deixava post its na contra capa dos meus caderninhos de anotações pra sempre dar uma olhada quando precisava. Mas é essencial anotarmos esses parâmetros para utilizarmos no nosso dia a dia! Anotem aí: .
. Sinais vitais: tenha anotado os parâmetros de normalidade dos sinais vitais, tanto adulto quanto pediátrico. Não esqueça do quinto sinal vital: a dor. Sempre mensure esse sinal. .
Escala de coma de Glasgow: deixe anotadinho os parâmetros e a contagem correta. Glasgow 9 a 12: moderado, Glasgow 13 a 15: TCE leve, Glasgow menor que 8: grave.
. Posições dos eletrodos: eu sempre tinha muita dificuldade em colocar os eletrodos na hora de realizar o eletro, então, para você que tem dificuldade, anote. Faça um desenho demonstrativo se possível. .
. Locais de ausculta cardíaca: aórtica, pulmonar, mitral e tricúspide. Vale até fazer um desenho pra você relembrar. Esse é essencial para você realizar exame físico!
Pupilas: miose, midríase e anisocoria. Eu fazia desenhos e ajudava muito. Depois você acaba decorando, mas no começo é importante para você não se confundir.
Parâmetros da gasometria: esse é beeem importante para aquele estágio de uti, por exemplo. Você sempre precisa compreender os exames. Então deixe anotado os parâmetros do pH, PaCO2, PaO2, HCO3, BE e Saturação. Também anote quando irá ser acidose metabólica/respiratória ou alcalose metabólica/respiratória.
É isso amores! Espero que tenham gostado (e anotado tudooo). Prometo que nas minhas férias vou fazer um super resumão disso tudo e deixar pra vocês imprimirem e colarem no caderninho de bolso do estágio um beijo e boa noite !
A Little different view from my normal #nurseselfie who knew that L&D nurses also circulate in the OR and recover in PACU? When I first started my nursing job, I hated the OR. It felt foreign to me and like I was out of control- and for something as straight forward as counts and handing supplies to our wonderful scrub techs, the learning curve was steep for me bc I don’t like messing up.
It was outside my comfort zone, I dreaded getting assignments that could “head to the back” and it wasn’t until recently that I started to reframe this aspect of my job to see the positives in it... I have the pleasure to help mamas celebrate new birthdays and I get to be a part of a skill few nurses will get to learn.
If there is an aspect of your job or in your life that you feel is so far outside your comfort zone, then I hope you can relate to this. You may not be in an OR or even on a hospital floor, but it causes you discomfort. And that discomfort is ok- it means your growing and becoming the best you can be. So own it and embrace it bc you’re amazing!
How are you growing right now? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! #livejoyful #nurselifern #nurse #laboranddelivery #laboranddeliverynurse #pacunurse #surgicalnurse #circulatingnurse #hospitallife #nurselife #nurseblogger #nursepractitioner
Update: I completed the critical care orientation today! It has been a long week of signing papers, reviewing powerpoints, and completing learning modules BUT I passed all the exams so I can officially access the Omnicell (which is the machine that keeps all the medications for patients) so this is a huge step! The idea that I graduated and am about to be a registered nurse is slowly starting to feel real! I start my ED orientation shift on Sunday so I am ready to get back in the swing of things and continue to learn but thankful for tomorrow off so I can do what I do best.....SLEEP Also yall, @wearfigs are AMAZINGLY comfortable!!! Go get you a pair like me!!
What do you like to do on days off?
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