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100 % Minyak Pala ( Nutmeg Essential Oil )
Resep dan Kegunaan
1. Untuk masalah pencernaan : tambahkan 5-6 tetes dalam air hangat atau minyak pembawa, lalu pijatkan untuk menurunkan nafsu makan, mual , diare, kembung, konstipasi dan batu empedu.
2. Untuk mengurangi rasa sakit : tambahkan 2-3 tetes di minyak kelapa oleskan di area rasa sakit.
3. Untuk mengatasi bau pernafasan : tambahkan 2 tetes kedalam air hangat lalu gunakan dengan berkumur.
4. Untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi dan memori : tambahkan dua tetes ke kain lalu hirup.
5. Untuk mengurangi stess : tambahkan dua tetes ke diffuser anda.
6. Untuk mengurangi bengkak di gusi : tuangkan satu tetes ke kapas lalu tempelkan di bagian gusi yang bengkak.
7. Untuk membuat tidur yang nyaman : teteskan sebanyak dua tetes ke atas kain lalu letakan disamping bantal anda.
8. Untuk masalah pernafasan : gunakan inhalasi uap untuk mengatasi sesak nafas.
9. Sebagai Minyak Pijat
10. Stimulan
11. Mengurangi Batu ginjal, kadung kemih dan saluran kemih.
12. Bau mulut
13. Impotensi
14. Masalah kulit
15. Tekanan darah rendah
#essentialoil #essentialoilnutmeg #nutmegoil #nutmegessentialoil
#suburkimiajaya #suburjayafood
Nutmeg essential oil.
The adrenal powerhouse!!
See why I put a drop in my morning coffee in my stories:)
☕️ HINT: adrenal support = energy + increased melatonin = sleep, sleep= immune system support, immune support = wellness!
pop a drop in your morning tea or coffee or swab a drop on the inside of your cheek. ◾️ Nutmeg oil supports the immune, hormonal digestive, circulatory & nervous systems. It helps with muscular, menstrual & nerve pain & so much more!
◾️ Do yourself a favour & research Nutmeg essential oil. Reach out with any questions, happy to help:)
Ok, but it’s true. I do have some oils for that. @fromsimplyearth is making a #diy girl out of me! And my boys look at me like I’ve lost my mind because I keep sniffing the freshly laundered linens. “I made this guys!” .
.”Hey, go wash your hands with that hand soap. I made it! “
.”Wait! I’ll put the detergent in the dishwasher. I made it myself!”
.”Counters look clean don’t they? I cleaned them with my DIY spray!” .
.And the fun continues. I might be driving the household crazy, but I can’t help myself. I invite you to share in the fun on the blog today. And I promise not to drive you crazy.
.#diy #essentialoils #recipebox #simplyearth #naturalhome #floridablogger #accessories #lifestyleblogger #scarfstyle #lemonessentialoil #affordablefashion #springfridayfashion #nutmegessentialoil #teatreeoil
Promo ESSENZO spesial Ramadhan
Paket 3 :
propolis honey kids honey slimming
Papermint Nutmeg lavender ylang ylang
. .
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Mohon maaf lahir batin semua
Taqoballahu minna wa minkum shiamana wa qiyamana
. . ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
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Paket spesial Ramadhan
ESSENZO essential oil
Paket 2 :
propolis honey
kids honey
Papermint Nutmeg lavender
Hidup sehat bersama ESSENZO . ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
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Nutmeg essenzo essential. DM utk pemesanan atau for more info
Meredakan kolesterol
Membantu masalah pencernaan
Meredakan halitosis (bau mulut)
Meningkatkan nafsu makan
Meredakan nyeri otot
Pohon Pala (Myristica fragrans) berasal dari Pulau Banda, dan tersebar luas di seluruh Indonesia dan di seluruh dunia (India, Grenada, dan Malaysia). Maluku (Maluku), Sulawesi (Sulawesi), Aceh, Jawa, dan Papua adalah daerah produksi utama pala Indonesia. Indonesia menghasilkan tiga perempat dari total output dunia dan ekspor Pala, sementara Grenada berada di peringkat kedua. Pala umumnya digunakan sebagai bumbu atau diekstrak menjadi Minyak Pala (Nutmeg Essential Oil). Minyak atsiri pala juga digunakan di apotek karena memiliki aktivitas anti-trombotik, anti-disentri, anti-inflamasi, rematik, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, minyak pala juga memiliki sifat anti-bakteri.
How to use
Dioles langsung (bagi pemula atau pemilik kulit sensitif, campur dengan carrier oil)
Dicium aromanya
Diuapkan dengan diffuser
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Along with flavoring your favorite recipes, Nutmeg Vitality oil has many health benefits, including cognitive function support, immune support, and powerful antioxidants.
Nutmeg Vitality essential oil has a sweet and distinctly spicy taste, making it both a powerful and versatile essential oil. Nutmeg Vitality is particularly good for enhancing the flavor of winter produce such as acorn squash, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin.
Nutmeg comes from an evergreen tree that is indigenous to Indonesia. It is steam distilled from the fruit and seeds of the tree.
Key benefits:
• Supports cognitive function
• Includes powerful antioxidants
• Can be used to flavor your favorite recipes
• Is cleansing
• Supports a healthy immune system
How do you use Nutmeg essential oil?
• Add 1 drop to a glass of eggnog to enhance this sweet and spicy treat.
• Add Nutmeg Vitality to your favorite holiday baked goods.
• Place 1–2 drops into a veggie capsule to support a healthy immune system and cognitive function.
• Use it in savory dishes to subtly enhance and round out the flavor.
When baking, remember that a little essential oil goes along way! Try dipping a toothpick into your essential oil and then adding it to your recipe. Depending on the recipe, 1 drop may be too much.
You can also get this oil for FREE with every 100 PV order on Essential Rewards!
Comment below what you are going to use nutmeg for this season!
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