oats breakfast healthy healthyfood food peanutbutter nutrition vegan banana foodie healthyeating oatmeal porridge protein feedfeed fitness healthylifestyle honey weightloss breakfastgoals cinnamon dates delicious fibre fitfam foodporn grapes health healthybreakfast porridgebowl
Breakfast for breakfast or breakfast for dinner? I have to say that I’m much more of a lunch and dinner than a breakfast person because those meals seem to contain much more variety for me but I could still eat oats like this for every meal to make my oats, I cook around 1 cup of oats in 1.5 cups oat milk for around 5 minutes, and then top it with something like this caramelised apple, which is simply a chopped up apple cooked in a skillet for around 8 minutes on a low-medium heat with 1 tbsp maple syrup. And of course, a generous drizzle of PB is very necessary . Hope you’re all having an amazing Friday!
#oats #veganoats #porridge #breakfast #veganbreakfast #healthybreakfast #breakfastgoals #whatveganseat #thrivemags #worldwideveganfood #veganshares #letscookvegan #veganstudent #onthetable #veganeats #healthyeats #veganism #plantbased #eatmoreplants #eatrealfood #wholefoods #veganfitness #veganstudent #healthyvegan #veganvibes @bestofvegan @worldwideveganfood @thefeedfeed @veganshares @thrivemags
choc chip banana oat pancakes eating breakfast at noon is the epitome of a teacher on summer break✌slow mornings with coffee on the porch is by far my fave summer ritual. hope y’all had a fab week too, HAPPY FRIDAY!☀️
chocolate chip banana oat pancakes: 1 mashed banana, 1 whisked egg, 1/4 cup @bobsredmill gluten free oats & splash of cinnamon. Cooked on the stove in grass fed butter + topped with @siggisdairy vanilla yogurt & honey drizzle
250 calories per serving. They are the easiest, most simple thing in the world and they taste great!
✨Vegan friendly recipe:
Just mix all the ingredients in a blender and cook in a pan. Flip to make sure each side is cooked through and voila! You have a healthy, easy breakfast
*recipe will make 2 servings.
Picture by @charlotttequeen
#pancakes #banana #milk #oats #veganrecipes #veganfood #vegan #weightwatchers #slimmingworld #calories #wholefoods #breakfast #vegetarian #recipe #weightloss #diet #nutrition #mealprep
Last post in canada before I fly to Peru! Delicious porridge filled with sun butter, malt syrup and protein powder. So rich and creamy that it almost tastes like dessert. .
1 cup of oats soaked for at least an hour with milk that covers the top of the oats.
1 T of sun butter.
1 to 2 T of rice malt syrup.
1 heaping T of peanut butter protein powder @happywayau.
1 tsp of cinnamon.
warm up in a pan until everything mixes. .
sculpted10 for 10 percent off anything on @happywayau's website .
See you all in Peru. <-- looks like canada! .
Sarah xx
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#peru #travel #bucketlist #holiday #bestofvegan #veganbreakfast #tropical #cherries #porridge #oats #breakfastinspo #veganrecipes #peanutbutter #foodstyling #foodphotography #foodblogger #canoncanada #canada #flowers #stonefruit #gloobyfood #veganbowl #kaylaitsines #thrivemags #bbgcommunity #bbggirls #bbg2019 #paleo #keto #oatmeal
Croquetas de espinaca
Amo estas croquetas! Y lo mejor que son súper sanas Y también fáciles de hacer
Quieren la receta ♀️♂️♀️♂️
Espero sus like ❤️ y comentarios! .
Que tengan un lindo #VIERNES
1 taza de espinaca cocida y escurrida
1 huevo
Sal marina
1/2 cdita ajo en polvo
1 cda cebolla deshidratada
3 cdas avena extra fina instantánea y más de la misma avena para rebozar.
1 cda de queso crema light
2 cdas queso en hebras light
Mezclar todos los ingredientes. Formar las croquetas con ayuda de una cuchara y pasarlas por avena extra fina. Terminar de darles forma con las manos y poner en placa engrasada con aceite en spray. Les puse un poco más de aceite en spray por encima para que queden doraditas. Llevar a horno unos 15 minutos aproximadamente. Cuando se dirán por abajo das vuelta y dejas un rato más.
Listo! Quedan muy ricas!
#Croquetas #espinaca #avena #oats #snackdaludable #healthysnack #recipes #recetassanas #recetasfaciles #foodblogger #vidasana #comiendo #cocinasaludable #fitfoodie
Baked Carrot Cake Oatmeal
Einen schönen Start ins Wochenende euch allen Heute war ich irgendwie nicht so geduldig und hab direkt das ganze Topping drübergekippt #sorrynotsorry Frischkäsefrosting ist für mich aber auch einfach DAS Topping für alles was Carrot Cake im Namen hat Falls ihr das noch nicht getestet habt solltet ihr das definitiv nachholen
· 60g zarte Haferflocken
· 125g Karotte
· 75g Eiklar
· Süßstoff/Flavedrops n.B.
1. Karotte fein raspeln.
2. Haferflocken in eine Form geben und mit 200ml heißem Wasser übergießen.
3. Karotten und Eiklar hinzugeben und vermengen.
4. Bei 200°C 30-40min backen.
Makros (ohne Toppings) : 291 kcal, 41g KH, 4g F, 18g P
#carrotcake #oatmeal #bakedoatmeal #carrotcakeoatmeal #oats #haferflocken #lowfat #highprotein #protein #goodeggwhites #lowcalorie #kalorienarm #cleaneating #vegetarisch #eatclean #mealprep #healthyfood #eathealthy #gesundessen #iifym #fitfood #fitnesslifestyle #diet #abnehmen #sizezero #diät #macrofriendlyrecipes
Danas pričamo o dijetama i koliko su zapravo one korisne i dobre.
Svaki čovek je sigurno bar jednom u životu probao neku vrste dijete, a takođe 80% nije uspelo da realizuje ciljeve do kraja, nego se posle kratkog vremena vratilo starim i poznatim navikama.
Daću vam lični primer, jer sam ja bila jedna od tih 80%, ali ne samo jednom, već više puta. I, mogu priznati da nijednom nisam bila zadovoljna, jer koliko god sam fizički htela da napredujem, toliko sam psihički nazadovala. Problem je u tome što se svim ljudima, koji žele da izgube na telesnoj masi, konstantno pod nos guraju rigorozne dijete, što po časopisima, internetu.. I naravno da će osoba koja želi 'brze' rezultate odmah posegnuti za dijetom od 7 dana, ili pak, ograničenog života na 7 dana. Kako vam zvuči ovaj drugi naziv tog perioda?
Surovo, ali verujte mi, istinito.
Pre svega, želim da se ogradim, i nagovestim da ovaj tekst ne potcenjuje nijednu dijetu ili način ishrane, i nije mu smisao da odgovara ljude od skidanja kilaže - cilj jeste da pokaže put do zdravijeg i trajnog rešenja, koje kasnije postaje navika, a psiha i telo ne pate od torture. To je veoma bitan momenat za sve što želite da postignete u životu.
Prvenstveno, kao što iz prenatrpanog prostora izbacujete stare stvari koje više ne koristite (nisu vaš stil), i koje samo zazuimaju mesto i sakupljaju prašinu - tako isto i sa hranom, ono što vam smeta, što realno ne može da vas zadovolji i zasiti, i pruža vam kratkotrajno zadovoljstvo (a kasnije, ako vam je cilj gubljenje kilograma, javlja se i griža savest). Isti je princip kao sa starim stvarima. Nije vam potrebno. Uz takve postepene promene za koje je potrebno i vreme i strpljenje, sigurno ćete videti rezulatate koji nisu kratkoročni kao na režimu dijete.
Ne slažem se sa dijetama, smatram da je to jedno ograničenje ljudske prirode i zabluda. ⬇️nastavak teksta u komentaru ispod⬇️