obeythequeen queen obey girlboss girlsinmetal heavymetal metal swedishmetal bosslady rock skeletongirl endinblood khaleesi metalqueen rapmetal scarlethunts thirsty findom hardrock industrialmetal instafollow instapic instaselfie killerquinn minnesota mnfamous music rnsqueen rockchick rockofangelsrecords
⁉️You know what⁉️
In just a few weeks.. my NEW FUCKING SINGLE WILL DROP‼️
What do to think the song is about? The person who nails it will get a shoutout
#obeythequeen #endinblood #skelwtongirl #rock #hårdrock #metal #heavymetal #rockchick #skeletongirl #skull #thirsty #singer #killerquinn #rapmetal #slayer #blood #endinblood #queen #industrialmetal #metalcore #killer #girlsinmetal #swedishmetal #girlboss #bosslady #scarlethunts #skeletoncrew #crew #music #metalmusic
‼️UPPSALA! Ni glömmer väl inte att vi spelar i ER STAD den 25 maj! Plats - Interpool! BE THERE‼️
#rock #hårdrock #metal #heavymetal #rockchick #skeletongirl #skull #thirsty #singer #killerquinn #rapmetal #slayer #blood #endinblood #queen #industrialmetal #metalcore #killer #girlsinmetal #swedishmetal #girlboss #bosslady #scarlethunts #skeletoncrew #crew #music #metalmusic #uppsala #obeythequeen #interpooluppsala