agoraphobia anxiety childofgod createyourownhappiness fearnoevil happyheart happylife healthymindhealthybody itsthelittlethings jesus lifeiswhatyoumakeit livefortoday livelifetothefullest mindfulness motherhood mygodiswithme nofear obsessivecompulsiveproblems ocpd panicdisorder spiritualgangster thisiswhatanxietylookslikeforme ichoosebeauty fairygarden ocpd
Two doctors appointments. Finally home. Medicated. Now rest.
#anxiety #ocpd #panicdisorder #agoraphobia #bpd #motherhood #happyheart #happylife #itsthelittlethings #mindfulness #joy #healthymindhealthybody #spiritualgangster #joy #livelifetothefullest #createyourownhappiness #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #livefortoday #nofear #fearnoevil #mygodiswithme #obsessivecompulsiveproblems #shingles
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder- Overview
People with obsessive compulsive personality disorder are preoccupied with rules, regulations, and orderliness. This preoccupation with perfectionism and control is at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency. They are great makers of lists and schedules, and are often devoted to work to such an extent that they often neglect social relationships. They have perfectionist tendencies, and are so driven in their work to "get it right" that they become unable to complete projects or specific tasks because they get lost in the details, and fail to see the "forest for the trees." People with OCPD tend to be rigid and inflexible in their approach to things. It simply isn't an option for them to do a "sub-standard" job just to get something done. Often, they are unable to delegate tasks for fear that another person will not "get it right." Sometimes people with this disorder adopt a miserly style with both themselves and others. Money is regarded as something that must be rigidly controlled in order to ward off future catastrophe. Traits include excessive devotion to work that impairs social and family activities; excessive fixation with lists, rules and minor details; perfectionism that interferes with finishing tasks; rigid following of moral and ethical codes; unwillingness to assign tasks unless others perform exactly as asked; lack of generosity; extreme frugality without reason; hoarding behaviors.
People with this disorder are often experienced as rigid, controlling, and stubborn. They are highly goal-oriented and tend to value objectives and relationships less without a specific goal to accomplish. It is for this reason that an individual with this disorder may excel in school or work, but be subpar or completely lacking in a social life. Because patients with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder need to be in control, they tend to be solitary in their endeavors and to mistrust the help of others. (Cont)
#ichoosebeauty day 1,100: I was able to spend some time outside tonight.
#anxiety #ocpd #panicdisorder #agoraphobia #bpd #motherhood #happyheart #happylife #itsthelittlethings #mindfulness #joy #healthymindhealthybody #spiritualgangster #joy #livelifetothefullest #createyourownhappiness #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #livefortoday #Jesus #nofear #fearnoevil #mygodiswithme #childofgod #tms keforme #obsessivecompulsiveproblems #wildflowers #zenia
I have a thing where I need to touch
Things...I totally wanted to touch these. There was a sign requesting no one touch them. Which made it worse. But I didn't touch though it took every bit of inner strength not to...
Decor at No. 1 Chinese Buffet, Morgantown Wv
#chineserestaurant #prayerbells #donttouchthedisplay #numberonechinesebuffet #innerstrength #donttoucheverything # donttouch #obsessivecompulsiveproblems