ohnoes truckcrash achtung badslipper bigrig braap crash dailyfail damage dikkefotoja fail flipflop gangisalles hallochef highway kolleka kurwa police problem rampage sorry tomtomgeneration truckerfail accurateaf buttstuff cancer crawlinginmyskin dank shite
"NOOO, NEVER!!" Earth screamed before hissing like a wild animal, struggling with all of his might. The only cure for his condition, humans, lay in Mars' hands, and he refused to let it get anywhere near him for he loved his parasites too much.
((Credit to _zbruh_is_awesome_))
#planethumans #planethumansearth #earthplanethumans #phearth #earthph #planethumansmars #marsplanethumans #phmars #marsph #planethumansmoon #moonplanethumans #phmoon #moonph #help #ohnoes
The baby country stared up at America with huge, innocent eyes. Soviet had disintegrated into nothing more than dust, meaning Russia was now an orphan. Would America take him in since he had no other place to go or would he abandon the child here?
((Credit to thecountryhumansboy))
#countryhumans #countryhumansrussia #russiacountryhumans #chrussia #russiach #countryhumansamerica #americacountryhumans #chamerica #americach #countryhumansussr #ussrcountryhumans #chussr #ussrch #ohnoes #baby