okayk tfios thefaultinourstars haha hazel hazelgrace love music newmusic okayokay emredurak
Online article will be live tomorrow because Newsquest don't trust me to insert a podcast into their system. I don't blame them, I'm a technological menace to society. Next episode is packed with absolute crackers. You can listen now (like the leaked episode of Game of Thrones) or you can wait until tomorrow so you've got the article to read with what all the bands have to say. As with every podcast, I've handpicked each song as I believe in every track I've scoured across the globe to find for you #newsquestsessions #kidastray #gsmith #bohdi #deerscout #livingmore #borayork #betadays #mrlittlejeans #ghostairplane #holidayparty #esthers #okayk #music #newmusic #podcast #love #toptracks
Here's to...
Great friends and good times
Much needed vacations
Laughing and loving
Real talk and true stories
Being happy and beauty from ashes
I love you @mamalizzyg and could not have asked for a better weekend :))
#loveher #totes100 #adorable #totesadorbes #justaskme #apropro #igotatat #nailsdid #offfooting #everykissbeginswithk #okayk #waitforit #wall #kitay #ihavecupholders #itsnotsnowing #thatdressthough #truestory #realtalk #vegasssss #mamacougs #babycougs