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Good morning. I hope you are all having a good week so far. I’m very excited to be off up to the Highlands tomorrow. One last really busy day and then some much needed time with 2 of my closest friends. The power of friendship and connection is one of the greatest gifts in life and so important for mental health. .
I found this skirt last week in age concern charity shop and thought it’s perfect for work in this inbetween weather we are having. Easy to throw a jumper over but goes equally well with a fitted top. I do like a pencil skirt for work. Have a great day guys
#wednesdaystyle #fashionwednesday #fiftystyle #fashionablefifties #stylishfifties #fabatfifty #fashionable50s #stylish50s #thriftedoutfit #thriftedchicstylechallenge #thriftedskirt #shopsustainably #prelovedclothing #mindfulspending #mindfulshopping #agingdisgracefully #over50andfabulous #50newstart #pencilskirt #polkadotskirt #yogabodies #yogabodies #fitfifty #over50andfabulous #oldermodel #over50 #fashioninfuencer #discoverunder15k #discoverunder20k #microinfluencers #microinfluencer #charityshopper
"Если путник,взбираясь в гору, слишком занят каждым шагом и забывает сверяться с путеводной звездой,он рискует её потерять и сбиться с пути".
#естьнадчемподумать#народгуляет #праздник #возрастнаямодель #модель #oldermodel #agemodel #fotomodel #cristmas #рождество#фотомое #myfoto
It’s Happy Monday evening in my part of the world we were blessed with such a beautiful day in Brisbane for this Labor Day public holiday such a beautiful day it was too, full of sunshine
I love how this pic turned out taken only a few weeks ago considering I did the makeup myself for a change, have to say I’m getting better at it.
#maturemodel #portraitphotography #ageisnoissue #olderwomenrock #ageisjustanumber #agedoesntmatter #photoshoot #oldermodel #modelover50 #headshot #hairextensions #portraitoftheday #ageitsanonissue #ageisanonissue