olegsidorenko продажа кемерово грузоподъ mysterium спецтехника oleksandrnevskiy boardgames строительство строительнаятехника грузоперевозки boardgame boardgamegeek вилочный китайский libellud xcmg погрузчикиjac перевозкагрузов погрузчик кран case xaviercollette дилер добычаугля запчасти карьернаятехника коммунальнаятехника бортовойскраномманипулятором
6 rund próbowałem odgadnąć miejsce zbrodni... Rozwiązanie na zdjęciu obok.
Generalnie "skończyliśmy" tę rozgrywkę w 13 rundzie. Na 7 możliwych :D Fail dekady. Jeszcze nigdy tak źle się nie rozumieliśmy z duchem :D
#gryplanszowe #grybezpradu #planszówki #planszowki #grybezprądu #gry #boardgames #tabletopgames #tabletop #unpluggedgames #bgg #bggcommunity #boardgamecommunity #boardgameaddict #geek #boardgamegeek #Brettspiele #games #tajemniczedomostwo #portalgames #portal #oleksandrnevskiy #olegsidorenko
Gdy grasz z osobami któreg po raz pierwszy grają w Tajemnicze Domostwo nigdy nie skończy się na jednej rozgrywce - każdy chce zobaczyć jak to jest być duchem :) #gryplanszowe #grybezpradu #planszówki #planszowki #grybezprądu #gry #boardgames #tabletopgames #tabletop #unpluggedgames #bgg #bggcommunity #boardgamecommunity #boardgameaddict #geek #boardgamegeek #Brettspiele #games #tajemniczedomostwo #portalgames #portal #oleksandrnevskiy #olegsidorenko
Happy Easter everyone!! Hope you all play lots of games & eat lots of chocolate & enjoy the sunshine!
#happyeaster #boardgame #boardgames #cardgame #brettspiel #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgameaddict #bgg #boardgamecommunity #boardgamecollection
#boardgamephotography #boardgamer #gamenight #dixit #libellud #jeanlouisroubira #mariecardouat #mysterium #oleksandrnevskiy #olegsidorenko #xaviercollette #igorburlakov #cathkidston
Mysterium’s beautiful Cluedo-esque concept of uncovering the murderer, location & weapon will give a reassuring sense of familiarity to anyone who isn’t a regular gamer. So perfect for whipping out at family festivities and bonding over a good old fashioned murder.
As soon as the game ends you will want to re-live all the successes and failures you experienced! You try to justify your mistaken hunches, call the ghost out on their rubbish clues, grudgingly admit that the logic behind their clue actually makes good sense and curse each other for being useless, phoney charlatans.
#whoyagonnacallghostflusters #boardgames #boardgameaddict #boardgamesofinstagram #mysterium #libellud #oleksandrnevskiy #olegsidorenko #xaviercollette #igorburlakov
Mysterium is my all time favourite party game. Most players take on the role of eminent psychics who are trying to use their clairvoyant powers to solve a murder. Your aim is to deduce the murderer, murder location and murder weapon using only some baffling, abstract dream images that are sent to you by a restless ghostly spirit. Meanwhile, one player will in fact be playing AS that restless ghostly spirit.
Playing as the ghost is hilarious, but so UTTERLY infuriating. There’s nothing worse than having to sit in silence and listen as your spectral artworks are being horribly misinterpreted. You gave Alphonse a card depicting a levitating top hat, trying to lead him towards the magician….but instead, he hones in on a teeny tiny fork in the bottom corner of the card and convinces himself it’s the creepy chef. You want to give out a ghostly groan of frustration as the rest of the mystics eagerly agree!
The suspects, locations and murderous items are all gorgeously illustrated. Not to mention the hauntingly beautiful artwork on the ghosty dream cards. They’re not all as spooky as these 5 – there are many vibrant, colourful, playful & charmingly pretty cards – but I was channelling the eerie graveyard ambience.
#wasitthenuninthebrewerywithatypewriter? #boardgames #boardgameaddict #boardgamesofinstagram #mysterium #libellud #oleksandrnevskiy #olegsidorenko #xaviercollette #igorburlakov
Йо-хо-хо, джентльмены! Пришло время испытать Госпожу Удачу.
Готовьте стремительный корабль, набирайте бравую команду и отправляйтесь на поиски приключений. В море плавает множество набитых сокровищами судов, которые так и напрашиваются, чтобы их поскорее ограбили. А лихих пиратов 7 морей долго уговаривать не нужно, главное, чтобы ром в трюме никогда не заканчивался.
Так что выбирайте персонажей, воздайте честь Верховному Рандому и бросайте кубики, ведь именно от них во многом зависит, сорвёте вы сегодня большой куш или отправитесь на корм рыбам.
We went to a family game afternoon last Sunday and had a fantastic time! I taught a whole pile of games; Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters, The Quacks of Quedlinburg, Icecool and the Castles of Caladale. I managed to squeeze in a game of Mysterium and a few games of Loopin' Louie too. The kids also got to try pitch car for the first time. #familygames #familygaming #familygametime #gamingfamily #boardgames #boardgaming #boardgamegeek #bgg #ghostfightintreasurehunters #brianyu #piero #mattel #thequacksofquedlinburg #wolfgangwarsch #schmidtspiele #northstargames #icecool #briangomez #reinispetersons #braingames #castlesofcaladale #davidwilkinson #renegadegamestudios #Mysterium #oleksandrnevskiy #olegsidorenko #libellud #loopinlouie #hasbro
Had a nice games weekend with @neler88 & @cindy_peters21 !
#tabletopgames #bgg
#boardgames #boardgamegeek
#Azul #Asmodee
#MichaelKiesling #PlanBgames
#nextmovegames #azulgame
#Mysterium #Libellud #OlegSidorenko #OleksandrNevskiy
#Sagrada #DarylAndrews #AdrianAdamescu #Matagot #FloodgateGames #sagradagame
#Dixit #Quest #Journey #Memories #dixitgame