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this is for you my best friend
i love you so so much that no one can imagine how much i love you and you mean to me❤️if i would lose you it would break my heart into two and leave scars forevera best friend is not a friend who reads stories with you, a best friend is a friend who writes them with youyour not just my best friend your my sister, my soulmateyou help me trough hard times and you always make me happyi hope i make you happy too and i just love you so muchyour kind, loving, pretty, caring and above all my best friend1️⃣❤️
Lita is forever and forever never ends❣️
~dedicated to tawu
• • • • • • •
~app: vs
~time: 1h 20min
~ac: @misa195km
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thank you so so much omg wlyasm
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Would you rather get a new phone or meet your ibf
: read all about it : @lemi64km
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your my soulmate, see you in 8 days bestfriend1️⃣❤️
-app: vs
-time: 1h
-ac: @grelaisforever
Hashtag :#breakthedistance #internetfriendsmeeting #internetbestfriends #internetfriends #ibf #sadibf #ibfsarereal #breakthedistance #internetfriends #internetbestfriends #internetbestues #internetsoulmates #ibfedit #ibfgoals #ibfhug #internetfriendsmeeting #internetfriends #internetfriendgoals #internetfriendship #virtual #virtualfriends #breakthedistance #onlinerelationship #onlinefriendgoals #onlinefriends #online #distance #longdistance #interwebfriends #omgpage #omgpageedit
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Credit: @haydenxhicks
Country: -
Distance: - km
Song: Birdy - Skinny Love (remix)
{Follow @distance.videos_}
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come on?!
dt: @delina101km @nela193km @ellyisbae @haileyundemma @jona803km @lillyundanna @siana294km
and to all internet friends
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Who do you want to meet in a mall
: @rxley.s
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Tag someone that always get hurt
Song; fire n gold
Video; @internetbestiees._
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Crediti: @fanpage_della_zennaro @v.oidalice ❤✨
Country: Italia
Song: Let her go
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