openyoursoul openyourmind openyoureyes openyourheart love nature easyveganliving govegan music suddefrance happy maywediveintothe8limbs savelives soul yogainspiration appriciate artbymoderngypsy artfromtheheart artheals arthealsthesoul awake backingband backtoblack beauty beautyiseverywhere believeinyourself blues breathe brightness chanteurs tourist_pic
A #brokenheart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can #love more completely when the real thing comes along. #komalkapoor #thankyou #lifelessons #thistooshallpass #itriedsohard #trustyourprocess
#whatsmeanttobewillbe #itburns #healyourheart #openyoursoul #givestrength #lettinggo #free #workinprogress #love #fourletterword #iamworthy
The network of islands
And the prow of its foam
And the gulls of its dreams
On the highest mast a sailor
Whistles a song..
~Odysseas Elytis~ Ο έρωτας
Το αρχιπέλαγος
Κι η πρώρα των αφρών του
Κι οι γλάροι των ονείρων του
Στο πιο ψηλό κατάρτι του ο ναύτης ανεμίζει
Ένα τραγούδι..
~Οδυσσέας Ελυτης~
#aegeanblue #manyfeelings #openyourheart #openyoursoul #greekpoetry #tinosisland #crossroads_inn
It’s not always easy. Some days are worse than others. There will always be hard days and sad days and long days—however, some things cannot be controlled. Some days just happen and they seem to sweep you up into a storm of emotion...and all you need is to feel that ground again.
I am an old, deep, soul—with an undying sentimental longing for the past. I become so connected to people, that it scares me and there is only one person in this world that I ever resisted opening up my heart to. I have days where I experience a different form of depression and darkness—a blanket of loss as if something or someone has left me. My heart aches, wishes and dreams of what once was...and nostalgia gets the best of me.
Last night I was drawn to deal with something that I didn’t think I would experience any time soon. I was confronted by the reality that soon my Nana won’t be here anymore and for the first time this really hurt me. If you know me, and you know my upbringing, this will make a lot more sense to you. Out of my cousins and brother I have the most difficult and peculiar relationship with her.
In fact, I never truly put it into words and now more than ever I feel that I should. She is the one person in this world that I have closed myself off to—it sounds horrible but I have my reasons. I have a much thicker skin with her, and I think that has a lot to do with the role she played in my upbringing. She is a stubborn, tough, dramatic Italian woman and she shaped the person I am today—for better and for worse. I don’t ever pity her, I don’t ever fall for her theatrics and I keep as close but as far as I can. I can’t stand her sometimes—but It has come to my attention that the thought of her not being here would kill me. Instagram has become my diary, and this is me openly admitting that I am sorry, I forgive her and I no longer resent her role in my life. My feelings of pain towards her are my one regret, and today I am openly choosing to let them go. Don’t hold on to any pain, don’t push away those who are close. Forgive, and let go.
Everything is okay.
#openyourheart #openyoursoul #forgiven #letgoofthepast #thegoodquote #nostalgy
un dia nos reimos porque nos acostumbramos a la rutina. a la misma gente, las mismas conversaciones diarias, lo que somos y lo que transmitimos. Lo que manifiestamos con cada palabra... se siente bien pensar que estamos en nuestra pequeña burbuja. Pero, de pronto nos damos cuenta y en cierto modo somos como fantasmas con tantas situaciones que resolver, tantas personas con las que no nos atrevemos a ser y sobre todo tanto silencio que resuena de vuelta en nosotros como un trueno que parte nuestra alma por haber poseído pero no apreciado. Nos encuentramos de frente con la verdad pero rapidamente cambiamos nuestro trayecto, no estamos preparados para mirarla a los ojos, ya que seria como mirar a la muerte. Se debe ser muy valiente para ello.
#psychedelictrance #psychedelicwords #psychedelicthoughts #psychedelicmind #psychedeliceyes #psychedelicart #psychedelicreflection #psychedelicvibe #love #human #alien #god #vibe #goodvibe #goodwords #reflection #opemyoureyes #openyoursoul #openyourmind
Как вы думаете любовь имеет быть только между близкими людьми?!
Каждый понимает любовь по своему. В моём мире любовь так многогранна, как наш мир, то есть она абсолютно бесконечна. Такая мощная и сильнейшая энергия любви пропитывает весь мир. Ведь мы сами являемся любовью. Являемся божественной энергетической частичкой любви. Она может быть не только между мужчиной и женщиной или между матерью и ребенком. Любовь есть в нас всегда! Мы не можем существовать без нее. Она способна распространяться на всё окружение, только позволь ей) позволь проявить в себе бескорыстную любовь к солнышку, согревающему твоё тело и пространству, в котором ты пребываешь)) к мимо прошедшему незнакомому человеку)) к собачке писающей на скамейку)) к бомжу рыщащему в мусорке)) к СЕБЕ! к своей Жизни! Ко всему окружению !! Прояви желание открыть сердце и войти в мир пропитанный чистой любовью)) и мир окружит тебя любовью! Ты окажешься в волшебной сказке наполненной чудом! Просто люби!
How do you think love has only to be between close people ?!
Everyone understands love in their own way. In my world, love is as multifaceted as our world, that is, it is absolutely infinite. Such a powerful and powerful love energy permeates the whole world. After all, we ourselves are love. We are a divine energy particle of love. It can be not only between a man and a woman or between a mother and a child. Love is in us always! We can not exist without it. She is capable of spreading to the whole environment, just let her), let him show in himself a disinterested love for the sun, warming your body and the space in which you are staying)) to a past unknown person)) to a dog pissing on a bench)) to a homeless man rummaging in trash)) to myself! to your Life! To the whole environment !! Show your desire to open your heart and enter the world soaked with pure love)) and the world will surround you with love! You will find yourself in a magic fairy tale filled with a miracle! Just love!
#zagoruichkaart #zagoruichka #mandalaart #любисебя #meditation #art #artistgirl #picture #instaart #artgallery #vegeterian #artwork #drawing #draw #design #mandaladesign #мандалаарт #медитация #openyoursoul #арт #love #soul
My respect to the 60 activists for revealing the horrors that exist within factory farming. The reality is always hidden away in darkness because it is brutal and cruel. Understand that no happiness or kindness is to be found in animal livestock farming.
Please consider giving up eating animals. Their suffering either begins or ends with our lifestyle choices.
#realitycheck : @deathrow_unchained
#eyeswideopen #openyoursoul #animalactivism #animalactivist #veganforgood #veganized #piglets #shameful #hearthurts #animalsarefriendsnotfood #friendsnotfood
✨I started yoga when I was 21year old, in Byron bay while I was doing my internship in Australia during my university gap year! I have always been dancing many hours per week and once I started traveling it got so hard to find dancing school as they usually accept you either from September either from January and you would have to commit for a year ( which was impossible as I have been traveling every 4 to 6 month to different countries for the last 6 years) Anyway I got introduced to vinyasa yoga in a magical teepee in the forest of Byron and from that day I got fully passionate about yoga and its lifestyle, ( which replaced a big part of my dancing passion) I have been practicing very often since and few month ago I decided to take on a yoga teacher training. Today I teach vinyasa in Biarritz and I absolutely love it! I hope to be passing through all the knowledges from all my teachers from around the world ✨ I truly believe that yoga is for everyone and is a magical tool to start asking yourself the right questions and get the answer you need to live a balanced life.
And now I want to hear from YOU ! At what age did you discovered yoga ?
Tell me your story!
@aloyoga has launched @alogives a non-profit by providing a free curriculum of 5 minutes videos to spread yoga & meditation amoungs the youth ! Let’s support them!! #alogives #give #openyourmind #openyoursoul #yoga #meditation #yogapractice #yogaforall #livethelifeyoulovelovethelifeyoulive #happyyogi