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It’s all gonna be A-okay... tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! @kirkiekookies making me want to do my own #tbt to this cutie from an orthopedic surgery set last year!! #anatomycookies #orthopediccookies #orthopedicsurgery #doctorcookies #surgeoncookies #phxeats #azlocal #azevents #phxculture #sugarcookies #decoratedsugarcookies #decoratedcookies #royalicingcookies #cookiedecorator #cookieartist #cookiesofinstagram #azbaker #azfoodie #arizona #surpriseaz
Por qué consultar con un DEPORTÓLOGO?
La Medicina del Deporte es una carrera de especialista universitaria dentro de los posgrados de medicina. Está orientada a desarrollar todos los aspectos médicos dentro del deporte.
Cómo Médicos podemos entender de lesiones y patologías relacionadas o no a la práctica deportiva. Pero como Deportólogos, nos adentramos más en su conocimiento y nos expandimos a otros campos como la nutrición, suplementacion, preparación física, rendimiento, kinesio, fisioterapia y psicología.
Entendemos que el alto rendimiento y la salud no necesariamente siempre van de la mano.
Entonces, que te puede ofrecer un Deportólogo:
Conocimiento específico de lesiones deportivas, su prevención y tratamiento.
Evaluación del atleta como un “todo” en función del deporte y no sólo una parte corporal.
Brindarte información científicamente comprobada y no los mitos que venden muchos “expertos”, “influencers” y las industrias que los apoyan para venderte sus productos.
♂️Entendemos la importancia que tiene deporte y actividad física en tu vida. Donde un médico comúnmente te diría que hagas reposo y no compitas/entrenes, nosotros sabemos que, a veces y en ciertos casos, el reposo no es una opción para vos y te ayudamos a seguir adelante
⚕️ Dr. Ezequiel R. Fernandez. Especialista en traumatología y medicina del deporte. M.N. 130.009
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aww this is so adorable lmaoo
credit: @regalgreys
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What is Hallux-valgus? And why we need to know about it? And how we prevent it? Here we explain it--------- 1-Hallux VALGUS OR Bunion is often described as a bump on the side of the big toe. But a bunion is more than that. The visible bump actually reflects changes in the bony framework of the front part of the foot. The big toe leans toward the second toe, rather than pointing straight ahead. This throws the bones out of alignment—producing the bunion’s bump.
2-Bunions are a progressive disorder. They begin with a leaning of the big toe, gradually changing the angle of the bones over the years and slowly producing the characteristic bump, which becomes increasingly prominent. Symptoms usually appear at later stages, although some people never have symptoms.
3-Bunions are most often caused by an inherited faulty mechanical structure of the foot. It is not the bunion itself that is inherited but certain foot types that make a person prone to developing a bunion.
Although wearing shoes that crowd the toes will not actually cause bunions, it sometimes makes the deformity get progressively worse. Symptoms may therefore appear sooner.
4-Symptoms may include:
Pain or soreness
Inflammation and redness
A burning sensation
Possible numbness
Symptoms occur most often when wearing shoes that crowd the toes, such as shoes with a tight toe box or high heels. This may explain why women are more likely to have symptoms than men. In addition, spending long periods of time on your feet can aggravate the symptoms of bunions.
#halluxvalgus #bunions #orthopedicsurgery
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I don't expect for this post to garner much -- the composition sucks, and if you're scrolling through content, you're likely to keep going without pause. But, to me, this picture is probably one of the most important on my page. A couple of days ago, I decided to frame my very first research publication. From 7 years ago. Since then, there have been dozens more, and that original manuscript isn't particularly ground-breaking in its field, but it stands as a small beacon for big beginnings. See, at the time, I was just starting and I didn't have any grand ambitions to be in research -- I was using my stint at MGH as a chance to learn and as a conduit to boost my resume for medical school. But, I pretty rapidly began to enjoy the process, love the discovery, and relish the opportunity to make patient care more robust and treatments more efficacious. Now, I live for research, I'm well respected in what I do, and I see its promise in driving medicine forward, in finding cures, in improving the quality of human lives. Why simply roll out medicine when I can be SHAPING it So, to you reading this caption, I say revel in the small successes that have the capacity to launch big things for you. Reflect on the turning points in your journey and celebrate the unexpected plot twists in your story✌ .
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From the very beginning, we are taught to be number one. Our competitive nature is ingrained in us, some more than others. From the first time our parents cheered when we babbled some nonsensical sound to the times they sat in the stands yelling obscenities at the Refs, we felt the impact a competitive spirit can have on all of those who watch us. They still watch us. Our parents watch us, cheering on our success. Our friends watch us in support. Everyone on social media watches us with curiosity. Our naysayers watch us, hoping to see us falter.
A competitive nature can drive you to great things but, in the end, it can prove to be your kryptonite. Often times, instead of camaraderie, it enables exclusion. It sets you up to live a long soap-box-work-life all alone. At some point, you have to look at all of those who are watching, and then you have to pass the ball. You have to take yourself out of that money shot for the sake of your team – you can’t always prove yourself to them. You’ve already done that – you’ve come this far, haven’t you?
Above competition, I encourage you to find how you can complement your colleagues. Be unique. Be yourself. BUT learn to compliment someone. It will change all of your interactions in such a good way. We all have the capacity to do great things… especially together.——— #ahsm #together #collaboration #notcompetition #pulmonary #criticalcare #lungs #intensivecare #MD #healthcare #medcon #medelita #doctor #dermatology #orthopedicsurgery #gastrenterology #kaiser #nyu #stanford #jefferson #orangecounty #california #newportbeach #lagunabeach #workhard #worktogether #motivation cred @drjrutland
I sintomi dell’#artrosi_di_caviglia:
1] Dolore: il dolore è il primo segnale che qualcosa non funziona come dovrebbe. Questo è conseguenza del deterioramento delle cartilagini articolari e del malallineamento, spesso associato, che non permette all’articolazione di lavorare in asse.
Il consumo della cartilagine articolare porta ad un processo infiammatorio che determina un ulteriore danneggiamento della cartilagine, in un circolo vizioso.
Di solito, il dolore si percepisce quando si effettuano determinati movimenti e in generale camminando; è solitamente assente di notte, più lieve a riposo e tende ad accentuarsi nel corso della giornata, in particolare dopo sforzi prolungati o al termine della giornata.
2] Rigidità: la rigidità articolare è un’altra importante caratteristica dell’artrosi.
È causata non solo dal tentativo del corpo di rendere più stabile l’articolazione attraverso la formazione di osteofiti, ma anche dalla contrazione della muscolatura, che diventa gradualmente meno tonica per via dei movimenti ridotti. Anche in questo caso, la perdita di mobilità è progressiva e non può migliorare senza un trattamento specifico.
3] Tumefazione: in modo lento e progressivo, l’artrosi della caviglia porta alla tumefazione della zona interessata, che può essere anche dolente al tatto. A causare il gonfiore sono l’infiammazione ed il versamento di liquido sinoviale, il fluido che è contenuto nella membrana protettiva dell’articolazione che serve a “lubrificare” l’articolazione stessa.
4] Deformità: è molto comune che oltre al processo artrosico sia presente una deformità, tipicamente in varismo, che va a complicare il quadro complessivo, causando sovraccarichi di alcune articolazioni e facendole lavorare in modo scorretto.
La deformità quindi non è solo un danno per la caviglia stessa, ma può essere causa di artrosi precoce a livello di articolazioni limitrofe come l’articolazione sottoastragalica, ma anche il ginocchio.