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Amazing Tuition Discounts!
Get £5,000 off tuition for the June 2019 International Incorporated Masters at the University of Dundee. Courses available are Business, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy.
Also, Bangor University is offering £3,000-£4,000 scholarship for the International Incorporated Masters this June. Available courses are, Business Management, Investment and Banking, Psychology, Accounting and Finance.
Take advantage of this today by contacting @stephilconsults on: +2348081156940, +2348035249214,
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İngiltere’de lise eğitimi hakkında daha detaylı bilgi için sorularınızı bekliyoruz! lise@cds.com.tr adresine mail atabilir ya da 02122924026 numaralı telefondan bize ulaşabilirsiniz❗️ #oxfordinternationaleducationgroup #highschoolinuk #studyinuk #lisele #doverbroecksinternational #yurtdışındalise #yurtdışıliseeğitimi #yurtdışılise #ingilteredeliseokumak #ingilteredelise #eurocentres #liseyiyurtdışındaokumak #studyinoxford #highschoolinoxford
Hoje recebemos as representantes da Oxford International Group nas Américas, Fahra e Mabel, para um treinamento sobre os principais programas no ✔️
Inglês geral e acadêmico
Pathway (pré-universidade)
Graduação e pós-graduação
Acampamento de férias E muito mais! .
A Fahra aproveitou a visita e deixou um recadinho especial pra você que sonha em estudar fora e não sabe por onde começar, check it out! ⏩
✈️ #souworldstudy #oxfordinternationaleducationgroup #amoserintercambista #pathwayprogram #faculdadenoexterior #Canada #EUA #ReinoUnido #worldstudysbc
Oxford International Education Group Visit!
Come and meet with a delegate to discuss your admission needs to the International Pathway Colleges of:
De Montfort University
Bangor University
University of Dundee
University of Greenwich
Date: 18th January, 2019
Time: 2pm prompt
Venue: Stephil Consults, Suite SF06, Axiom Plaza, Opposite NITEL-Exchange, Tabon Tabon, Agege, Lagos.
Tel: 08180989192, 08081156940, 08035249214.
We look forward to having you!
Stephil Consults...transforming lives.
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