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In the early 1970s, scientists discovered that chlorofluorocarbons—chemicals used in aerosol spray cans, refrigerators, air conditioners, plastic foams, and various industrial processes—were destroying the ozone layer, which protects life on earth from deadly UV radiation. After indeed finding a growing ozone hole over Antarctica—threatening millions of lives and risking the world’s agriculture—governments took action. In 1987, 25 countries signed the Montreal Protocol, a commitment to phase out ozone-depleting chemicals worldwide. More than 30 years later, 197 countries are on board, and the ozone hole is shrinking, making the protocol the most successful environmental treaty in history. We worked together to avert a major environmental disaster—we can save the climate too. Learn more by visiting the link in our bio.
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Patching up the Ozone Layer
The ozone layer is earth’s protective shield against the damage of UV radiation. In 1985 scientists discovered a reduction of the ozone above the Antarctic; because of its magnitude they perceived it as a “hole” in the ozone layer. Two years later, nations of the world signed the Montreal Protocol, which regulated ozone-depleting compounds, and later would ban the production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs are long-lived manmade compounds (once used as propellants and refrigerating gasses), that after rising into the stratosphere can linger there from 50 to 100 years. After breaking down by the Sun’s UV radiation they release reactive chlorine atoms that take apart the ozone molecules of the ozone layer. While in the past there were changes in the ozone hole size, current data confirms that the reduction of ozone depletion is due to the decline in CFCs.
@sci_comm original text
La capa de ozono es el escudo protector de la tierra contra el daño de la radiación UV. En 1985, se descubrió una reducción del ozono sobre la Antártida de tal magnitud, que se denominó "agujero" en la capa de ozono. Dos años más tarde, las naciones del mundo firmaron el Protocolo de Montreal, que regulaba los compuestos destructores de ozono, luego prohibiría la producción de clorofluorocarbonos (CFC). Los CFC son compuestos de larga vida hechos por el hombre (antes usados como gases propelentes y de refrigeración), que después de ascender a la estratosfera, pueden permanecer allí de 50 a 100 años. Al romperse por la acción de la radiación UV del Sol, liberan átomos de cloro reactivos que desmantelan a las moléculas de ozono, de la capa de ozono. Mientras antes se veían cambios en el tamaño del agujero de ozono, actualmente los datos confirman que la reducción de la destrucción del ozono se debe a la disminución de los CFC.
@cuervosconitos @sci_comm
go.nasa.gov/2GFf5oj go.nasa.gov/2ty72S0 @nasaearth
bit.ly/2H193y1 @natgeo original modified by @sci_comm
bit.ly/2Xh9iKY @tsukog
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Did you know?
The Ozone layer is slowly, but surely, being repaired.
According to a report from the United Nations, the infamous hole in the ozone layer could be totally healed by the 2060s – and in some areas of the world, it could be as soon as 2030.
In 1987, an agreement known as the Montreal Protocol called for the elimination of chemicals found in consumer products like refrigerators and aerosol cans that were harmful to the ozone layer, also known as ozone-depleting substances (ODS).
It is only the beginning and it's important to continue the efforts! This shows how politics and how governments can come together and find working solutions.
What can we do as individuals? Follow ECO TIP 100 and vote! Vote to put pressure on your governments to save the planet! It is now or never!
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Do you think we can come together and save our planet or will we continue on our path to destruction until it’s too late
“Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.”
- Carl Sagan
Q) What is Article 348 in Indian constitution ?
Written by: @dixitadevi
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