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Pretty much calling this one done bar the inevitable last minute tinkering. #warhammer40000 #40k #warhammer40k #paintinggamesworkshop #texture #ageofsigmar #eavymetal #forgeworld #paintingforgeworld #paintingageofsigmar #paintingwarhammer #freehand #weathering #rust #pigmentpowder #aosmalignportents #aos #epicscale #tzeentch #nmm #imperialknight #adeptustitanicus #knightquestoris #smallscale
Haunt Galleon in progress! Real life took over this month and wasn’t able to get as much work in as I’d hoped, but I still wanted to share the progress with all of you! More soon! -D
#dylansmithink #nighthaunt #bretonnia #paintinggamesworkshop #gamesworkshop #ageofsigmar #paintingminiatures #paintmoreminis #halloween #ghosts #happyhalloween #paintingageofsigmar #undead #kitbash
Making progress...such a pleasure being able to paint this with freedom and without the restrictions of the meticulous accuracy and precision that often comes with 28/35mm minis. WIP #warhammer40k #paintinggamesworkshop #texture #ageofsigmar #eavymetal #forgeworld #paintingforgeworld #paintingageofsigmar #paintingwarhammer #freehand #weathering #rust #pigmentpowder #aosmalignportents #osl #gamesworkshop #allofthecolours #paintingwarhammer40k #spacemarine #nightscythe #necrons #necron #doomscythe #metallics #TMM #oxide #patina #welovebrushstrokes
Black Legion Basing Guide: Quarantined Steppe. .
Working on the tutorial now!
And sorry I've been quite for the last few days, my lovely wife had a birthday so I was away celebrating with our family.
#paintingwarhammer #painting #oilpainting #tutorial #abteilung #akinteractive #patreon #miniatures #miniaturepainting #weathering #gamesworkshop #blacklegion #grimdark #warhammer40k #wh40k #warhammer #paintingforgeworld #ageofsigmar #paintingageofsigmar
Steady progress on this little fella and his base. #warhammer40000 #40k #warhammer40k #paintinggamesworkshop #texture #ageofsigmar #eavymetal #forgeworld #paintingforgeworld #paintingageofsigmar #paintingwarhammer #freehand #weathering #rust #pigmentpowder #aosmalignportents #aos #epicscale #tzeentch #nmm #imperialknight #adeptustitanicus #knightquestoris #smallscale
Khazad Dum! You shall not pass! #youshallnotpass#minis #miniaturepainting #miniatureart #minatures #miniature #paintingminis #paintinglordoftherings #paintingminiatures #paintingageofsigmar #gamesworkshop #gw #lotr #lohobbit #lordoftherings #warhammer #warhammerfantasy #whfb #aos #ageofsigmar #balrog #gandalf #tolkien #diorama #lotrdiorama #28mm #fantasydiorama #fantasy #fantasyart #maxart85