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Las Tejas, Montecito, Garden Design by Mrs. Oakleigh (Helen) Thorne, Inspiration, FOUR PHOTOS: When the Oakleigh Thornes bought Las Tejas in 1917, it was a mission-style adobe house, built in 1898. It was Mrs. Thorne who, with local architect Frances W. Wilson, transformed the adobe house into the Italian-style villa that we see today. The first photo is from google and shows the casino in the garden at Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola, which is about an hour north of Rome (only 8 miles or so from Villa Lante). For those who don’t know it, Palazzo Farnese is huge- it is built on the side of a mountain, with massive and very high retaining walls to create level spaces for the gardens. This casino , which was built later, is farther up the mountain from the palazzo and main gardens and was used for entertaining. The second photo, which is of Las Tejas by F. B. Johnson from 1923, and which we saw yesterday, bears a striking resemblance to the casino, especially the center detailing. Photo 3, also from google, shows the fantastic water stairs at Villa Lante. If we look carefully, we can see that the water lands in what resembles a scallop shell before flowing into the next small pool. Mrs. Thorne has used scallop shells in a similar way for her water stairs, although her main inspiration may have been very different. The fourth photo is a closer look at Palazzo Farnese’s casino water stairs. Sorry that we don’t have better sourcing on the photos. • • • • • . #interior #interiordesign #architecture #california #lastejas #lastejasjy #montecito #interiordesign #interiors #interiordesigner #house #inspiration #decor #palazzofarnese #theworldofinteriors #luxury #mansion #garden #interiordesigner #design #gardendesign #adstyle #style #interiorinspiration #interiors #homedesign #decoration #gardens #interiordecorating #johnyunis

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I’m not able to photograph the article on Mrs. Petrie’s Southampton house today, so let’s enjoy this view of Montecito’s famed Las Tejas, from @markdsikes #onetofollow post on Montecito Magic, a garden designed about a century ago by its owner, Mrs. Oakleigh (Helen) Thorne, a fantastic amateur gardener, who also designed her other wonderful garden at her estate in Millbrook. ( Millbrook is still owned by her family, however this house has changed hands). If you’d like to know more about this garden, and Mrs. Thorne, be sure to get The Golden Age of American Gardens, by Mac Griswold and Eleanor Weller. In fact, it’s a book that everyone should have! Wishing everyone a great day!

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Las Tejas, Montecito, Garden Design by Mrs. Oakleigh (Helen) Thorne, FOUR PHOTOS: The first photo is a hand-colored photo from 1923 by Frances Benjamin Johnson, showing the opposite view of Part 1. We are looking through an arch in what is called the casino, modeled on that in the garden of Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola, back toward the house. The pool in the foreground and casino are barely visible in the distance in Part 1. The second photo, also by Johnson from 1923, shows a view of the house from the pool in the foreground in Part 1. If all this sounds confusing, and I’m sure that it does – please look at the aerial in Photo 3- The cascade and pool that we saw in Part 1, and also in the second photo here, are indicated by the white and red arrows, respectively. The blue and green arrows indicate the pool and casino which are visible in the first photo here. This garden is much bigger than it appears at first glance. According to The Golden Age of American Gardens: “In 1917, when Mrs. Oakleigh Thorne began her gardens... she adopted the aesthetics of irrigation and water conservation... she intentionally used drought resistant shrubs as the backbone of her garden and ‘reduced the grass to a negligible and ornamental quality.’ She made the connection between straight lines and efficient watering, pointing out that ‘a dependence upon irrigation is, I believe, and economic factor forcing California gardening into those formal lines which lend themselves to its practice. A hedge is much more readily watered then broad, irregularly planted borders.’ With (architect Francis W. Wilson)’s help, Helen Thorne, who had surveying instruments and knew how to use them, laid out her stunning chain of water gardens below the loggia on the garden front...Thorne was interested in garden architecture as well as in plants. She had the freedom, the money and the skills to garden ...with bricks and mortar, rock, dynamite and soil – instead of ‘painting pictures with flowers’ ... Helen Thorne also studied her own work, minutely chronicling in photographs and extensive notes the placement of trees, the effects of various shapes, and her color schemes.”

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Palazzo Farnese a Caprarola un tesoro Italiano nascosto #architecture #amazingarchitecture #instaarchitecture #luxury #architettura #archilovers #beautifuldestinations #igtravel #wonderful_places #travelphoto #bestvacations #traveldeeper #amazingview #italiainunoscatto #vivolazio #caprarolaprovinciadiviterbo⚜️⚜️⚜️ #caprarolaviterbo #tesorinascosti #palazzofarnese #palazzofarnesecaprarola #scaladelvignola #tuscia #tuscia_viterbese #architecturephotography #architecture #tesorinascosti #caprarola #caprarolaviterbo #viterbo #structures_greatshots #volgoitalia

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Bom dia galerinha! Segunda é dia de Dica! Você já passou por esta rua em Roma? Passe... Esta é a Via Giulia, uma das lindas e históricas ruas de Roma e fica pertinho do Campo de Fiori, atrás do Palazzo Farnese onde está a Embaixada da França. Na foto o Arco Farnese emoldurado pelas belissimas folhagens! Na Via Giulia ainda vai encontrar a Fontana del Marcherone e algumas lindas igrejas como a Santa Maria degli Orefici de 1509. Passe por lá, você vai gostar! . Vem pra Roma? Organizamos seu transfer, tours em português e muito mais. Fale com a gente! . #voupraroma #sourbbv #viagiulia #palazzofarnese #romaitalia #romanascosta #romasecreta #italiait #meudomviajante #romanostra #igersroma #romancemedieval #ruasderoma #ig_lazio #ig_roma #noidiroma #romagram #italygram #viagemeturismo #italiaemportugues

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‍ La Scala Regia del palazzo Farnese di Caprarola è uno degli elementi architettonici più interessanti e spettacolari dell'intero palazzo e sicuramente il luogo in cui il Vignola ha caratterizzato il suo estro espressivo. Si tratta di una scala elicoidale a "lumaca" che si snoda in forma elicoidale dai sotterranei fino al loggiato del piano nobile ed è sovrastata da una grande cupola nel centro della quale è rappresentato lo stemma Farnese con i sei gigli azzurri in campo oro. La scala è in peperino, tipico materiale di origine vulcanica del viterbese, è dotata di un robusto parapetto balaustrato e presenta trenta colonne doriche con i gigli farnesiani che si inseguono al di sopra dei capitelli. Gli affreschi, con grottesche, allegorie ed arabeschi, sono attribuiti ad Antonio Tempesta. ‍ Tag #ARTS_iLLife The Artist @8gerard8 CONGRATULATIONS!!➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ PIC CHOSEN BY @michilav ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ F/A @ciccimura ADMIN: @queenpolli ADMIN: @michilav CONSULTANT @ilvagamondo #family_illife ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ARTS_iLLife is Member of @HUBS_iLLife Please visit its galleries ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ID Tag #illARTS_8gerard8 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖

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Sabrina Knaflitz e Alessandro Gassman attend the Globo D'Oro Awards at Palazzo Farnese (2013). . Ernesto Ruscio. #alessandrogassmann #sabrinaknaflitz #globodoro #palazzofarnese #gassmann #attore #regista #cinema

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ДВОРЕЦ ФАРНЕЗЕ В КАПРАРОЛЕ Яркий пример сокровища, неизведанного туристами. Эта жемчужина эпохи возрождения затеряна среди маленьких римских пригородов, и даже туристы обходят город стороной, благодаря чему здесь сохраняется первобытное итальянское очарование. А ведь дворец расположен всего лишь в 50 км от Рима! . Город Капрарола получил своё название от овцеводов (capra - овца на итальянском), поэтому местная гордость - шашлычки их овечки . Дворец Фарнезе бал задуман изначально аж Папой Римским Фарнезе как укреплённая крепость (время было неспокойное), но как это часто бывает, строительство, так и не успели довести до конца. Зато внук Папы кардинал Фарнезе имел куда более величественные планы - возведение настоящего дворца на уже готовом фундаменте. Вот почему у дворца такая странная форма - пятиугольника! . Над украшением дворца работали самые модные художники того времени: Федерико и Таддео Цуккари, Темпеста Антонио, Рафаэлино да Реджо. Поэтому эти фрески известны на весь мир, а сам дворец поражает своей красотой. . После смерти кардинала Фарнезе дворец отошёл по наследству к герцогам Пармским и был фактически опустошён ими: вся мебель и уникальная коллекция произведений искусства были увезены в Неаполь. Они и по сей день составляют основу коллекции музея Каподимонте. . Это был лучший проект архитектора Виньола, а красивейшая царская лестница до сих пор известна на весь мир. Считается, что архитектура дворца проложила дорогу Барокко. . Комнаты в тени были отведены под летние апартаменты, там всегда было свежо, а комнаты, расположенные на солнечной стороне были зимними апартаментами, в солнечной Италии дневной свет поднимет температуру на 5-10 градусов в течение дня. Какое хитрое решение! . Мало того, что кардинал Фарнезе был внуком Папы Римского (а мы знаем, что ни Папе, ни другим католическим священникам иметь семью нельзя), так у него самого было несколько детей, в том числе самая красивая девушка Европы того времени Клелия Фарнезе . Александр Фарнезе говорил, что за всю жизнь сделал три великие вещи: Церковь Иль Джезу, Дворец Фарнезе и дочь Клелию ☺️

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La meravigliosa fontana del bicchiere di palazzo Farnese a Caprarola. Un luogo magico costruito per la famiglia Farnese i cui lavori iniziarono nel lontano 1530. Photo by @blondearrround thanks #palazzofarnese #caprarola #viterbo #tuscia #igersviterbo #visit_lazio #visitlazio #lazioisme #igerslazio #yallerslazio #igersitalia #yallersitalia #discover_vacations #whatitalyis #travel #travelphotography #italia #italy #italia365 #amazingplace #italytrip #instagramitalia

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