pastlife love прошлыежизни healing astrology crystalhealing pastliferegression horoscope psychic twinflame soulmate zodiac hypnosis twinflames lovers spiritual spirituality divinefeminine meditation psychicmedium akashicrecords regression chakras divinemasculine divinetiming happiness twinflamereading twinflameunion divinelight divinelove phyce
✨ I hope these words resonate with you as deeply and profound as they did me. I recently found this beautiful piece saved on my phone from 9/27/18 at 11:11am. Amazing what 7 months of hard work, self love, consistency and dedication will do. I’m so thankful for my journey, as rocky and mountainous as it’s been. May this bewitching little diddy stay with you, as you navigate the foothills of this journey called life. Keep the good faith and continue to forge forward ✨⚡️#loveandlight
Animals have a lot to teach us. The natural world, making up our environment and life, includes the animals and animal energies. When we learn which animal energies relate to us, we enter a space of increased productivity, clarity, creativity, and empowerment. Power animals bring to your attention an area that needs to be dealt with, acknowledged, or a trait you could benefit from. Characteristics and mannerisms of certain animals often reveal insights about how to best use your own innate strengths, powers and abilities.
Meet your power animal and learn how they communicate to you and how you can connect with them with a @sparklyresults power animal reading. (Link in bio)
A power animal reading is right for you if...
you lack power in some area of your life
❤you want to be more productive
you want tap into your creative energies
you want to learn how to harness your strengths
you want insights about a life direction you are considering or reflecting upon
you want to overcome or move through situations or environments that have a strong emotional impact on you
you want to learn about the skills you have or want to develop to access your potential
you want to learn about areas in your life that are already strongly developed or areas that need more exploring
. ❤
From my soul to yours,
@sparklyresults for daily inspirations.
#higherconsciousness #consciousness #consciousnessshift #spirituality #lawofattraction #divinetiming #chakras #lightworker #vibrationalhealing #poweranimal #higherself #witchesofig #witchesofig #empowerment #pastlife #reikilove #metaphysics #spiritguide #intuition #divineguidance #metaphysical #magicalaf #universalenergy #trusttheuniverse #meditation #manifesting #magick #indigochild #animaltotem #lightworkersofinstagram
.... Follow @kinda_like_threads_ for more!!!!✨
• ps. I did not make this creds to the owner who will be tagged in the first slide Love you lots!!!!
•random tags bellow!!
#selfcare #threads #pastlife #arianagrande #nickiminaj #dolantwins #jamescharles #lorengray #jeffreestar #emmachamberlain #demilovato #geasy #eminem #coleenballinger #marandasings #selenagomez #selfcarethreads #storytimethreads #threads #threadstories #music #cochella2018 #random #prettygirls
Crystals for
From my soul to yours,
@sparklyresults for daily inspirations.
#higherconsciousness #consciousness #consciousnessshift #spirituality #lawofattraction #divinetiming #chakras #lightworker #vibrationalhealing #energyworker #chakraalignment
#witchesofig #instacrystals #crystalmagic #pastlife #reikilove #crystaladdict #rockhound #crystallover #healingcrystals #metaphysical #magicalaf #chakrahealing #chakrastones #meditation #manifesting #higherself #crystalenergy #magickal #lightworkersofinstagram