patchouliessentialoil patchouli essentialoils essentialoil essenzo essenzoessentialoil lavenderessentialoil praktis lavender alami lemonessentialoil bergamotessentialoil gingeressentialoil teatreeessentialoil clovebudessentialoil peppermintessentialoil citronella fennel lemongrass peppermint bergamot clovebud ginger lemon patchoulioil teatree bhfyp citronelaessentialoil essenzoindonesia peppermintessentialoil
Double batch of Patchouli Lime with black Jojoba beads for additional luxuriance
#coldprocesssoap #essentialoilsoaps #patchouliessentialoil #limeessentialoil #jojobeads #smellsogood #soapboss #betterforskin #fatdogsoapworks #sheabutter #cocoabutter #bentoniteclaysoap #smallsoapbusiness #soapbusiness #womanownedbiz #shoplocalsc #havingablast
Patchouli has a love hate relationship with most people. I myself was never a fan of it until I started making soap and had a request for a soap with patchouli. I did research and have a new outlook on the stuff. Patchouli can be the anchor in a blend of fragrances. There are many well known fragrances that contain patchouli. Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle (a favorite of mine), Thierry Mugler’s Angel, Gucci by Gucci and Memo Luxor Oud just to name a few.
Patchouli is also said to have a wealth of benefits that can sooth inside and out. King Tut is said to be buried with barrels of it. So, if it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me! Comment below if you are a Patchouli lover ❤️ or not! ☺️
Don’t forget about the sweetest little sample bars we have! Only $3 and perfect little gifts , travel soaps, and ways to try new soaps!!! Like maybe our patchouli, hemp, rhassoul clay bar— gentle and calming and restorative! Like, you’re not sure you’ll like the patchouli , but this way you can smell that this bar is warm and herbaceous!!! Happy weekend ❤️❤️ #zerowasteproducts #theyellowbirdco #allnaturalskincare #hempproducts #patchouliessentialoil #rhassoulclay #sample #artisansoap #madeinnc
I've had this going all day and it smells amazing!
All you have to do is add:
5 drops Bergamot
2 drops Breathe
2 drops Patchouli
to your diffuser and enjoy!
With both calming and uplifting abilities, Bergamot can dissipate anxious feelings while simultaneously providing cleansing and purifying benefits.
doTERRA Breathe is a remarkable blend of essential oils including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, Ravintsara, and Ravensara. doTERRA Breathe maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of seasonal threats.
A member of the mint family, Patchouli is known to help with skin imperfections, while also providing a grounding, balancing effect on emotions.
So not only do you get a beautiful scent when diffusing this Carefree blend, you get added benefits.
xo, Aimee
Freshly cut Serenity. Still a bit too soft and wobbly of edge for a nice crisp photo, but the light was too nice not to take advantage of
#patchouliessentialoil #ylangylangessentialoil #sweetorangeessentialoil
#lemonessentialoil .
#handmadesoap #coldprocesssoap #cpsoap #soapshare #vegan #vegetarian #essentialoils #dropswirl #dropsaretops #handmadeinwales
I diffused this blend the other evening at an attempt to switch things up a bit and wow!! we were all like In that order! I should have known I’d personally be obsessed because it’s got so many of my oily faves- the citrus, cedarwood, lavender and of course patchouli. It’s light (which I’m more a fan of) but still a nice calming and relaxing nighttime or late afternoon blend. .
3 drops lavender
3 drops cedarwood
2 drops bergamot
2 drops patchouli
2 drops wild orange .
What do these oils do?
Lavender- calming, relaxing, eases feelings of tension. .
Cedarwood- grounding, relaxing, soothing to the mind, peaceful. .
Bergamot- calming and soothing, promotes self-confidence, calms the nervous system, reduces feelings of negativity and stress. .
Patchouli- grounds and balances emotions.
Wild Orange- mood boosting, cleansing and purifying, revitalizing. .
I can tell this is going to be a staple this Spring and I’ve already got plans to make a big batch of this in an empty 5 or 15ml bottle for super easy diffuser usage since it’s got quite a few different oils making up this blend. Adding them all together into a larger container already pre-mixed helps me to use it more because I’m not having to grab each bottle every time. .
Tell me- what are you diffusing?
#wildflowers #wildflower #diffuser #diffuserblends #diffuserblend #diffuserrecipes #oildiffuser #essentialoildiffuser #aromatherapydiffuser #doterradiffuser #lumodiffuser #cedarwoodessentialoil #bergamotessentialoil #lavenderessentialoil #patchouliessentialoil #wildorangeessentialoil #springblend #doterramama #fragrancefree #syntheticfree #granolamom #hippiemom
Hey friends! I haven’t shared much about my beautiful oils lately. But, school is out and now I can focus on health, family, and hopefully be able to share more ideas with you! This patchouli oil came for free in my essential rewards order. I don’t think it is one I would have thought to order, but now I won’t ever be without it! Oh the lovely smell just calms me right down. I’ve heard it described as a “hippie” smell but that’s because it’s used in yoga studios and stores for its centering aroma. I made a quick blend of patchouli, lavender, and just a touch of frankincense in my diffuser and . #younglivingessentialoils #patchouliessentialoil #lifetimeoiler #slpsoffaith
#lsltalk #lslpeeps #slpeeps #teleslpeeps #slplife #slplikeaboss #schoolslp #booksmartslp #slpsontpt #schoolbasedslp #telepractice #teleslp #slpmom #slpsofinsta #potionswithkaren #ashaigers #ebpslp #speechscientist #languagescientist #speechnerd #grammarnerd #hustleforthatlanguage #alabamaslp #huntsvillealabama #inthe256
Manfaat lain Patchouli Essential oil :
. • meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
• deodoran alami
• mencegah rambut rontok
• mengurangi ketombe
• mengurangi insomnia
• untuk kesehatan kulit
Cara penggunaan :
• jika baru menggunakan pertama kali, dilute/campurkan 2-3 tetes patchouli oil pada kurang lebih 10ml carrier oil (contoh : virgin coconut oil), kemudian oleskan
• jika sudah terbiasa menggunakan essential oil, langsung oleskan 1-2 tetes di telapak kaki (tempat dimana titik-titik syaraf berada) atau langsung daerah yang sakit (misal perut, leher, dsb)
• jika menggunakan diffuser, campurkan 2-3 tetes patchouli oil dengan kurang lebih 100ml air.
Essensial Oil dari Essenzo bisa menjadi solusi Anda untuk sehat dengan cara yang PRAKTIS, harga TERJANGKAU, produk yang bisa dipakai sekeluarga dan terbuat dari 100% bahan ALAMI sehingga AMAN dipakai siapa saja.
Tersedia dalam kemasan 10ml & 20ml.
Untuk Konsultasi & Pemesanan Hubungi :
WA : 085748416868
Untuk lebih lengkap tentang produk silahkan klik link di bio kami ya
Terima kasih
#patchouli #pogostemoncablin #ekstrakoilpatchouli #patchouliessentialoil #ekstrakpatchoulialami #obatalmidanpraktis #mengurangirontokrambut #mengurangiketombe #obatkesehatankulit #alergipadakulit #relaksasipikiran #bisnisbesar #peluangbisnis #bisnisonline #peluangusahafleksibel #keluargabahagia #akademibisnisdigital #abdi #essenzo #reselleresenzo #bisnisdigital #remajapebisnis #bisnisibuibu #bisnisbapakbapak #bisnismenjanjikan