patinets patinetes patinete patineteelectrico patineteselectricos patinetselectrics boosterplus boosters2 etwow etwowbarcelona etwowbooster etwowboosterplus etwowboosters2 etwowboosters2plus etwowespa etwowplus etwows2 etwows2booster etwowscooter etwowscooters etwowspain patinet patinetesetwow patinetsetwow rolleretwow scooteretwow trottinetteelectrique trottinettesetwow etwow2017 eptv patinetselectrics
I have just completed 5 months with your clinic and I am delighted with the extension of my knowledge and the weight loss and general well being that I am now experiencing. One of my friends made the remark after I had been so unwell for what seemed a long time, that I was once again my vibrant self.
I realized I hadn’t felt like that for quite a while.
I have Lupus and most doctors just say “Well what do you expect, you are probably doing too much you have Lupus and your stress needs dealing with!" Those kinds of remarks don’t help especially seeing I am a retired counselor and have taught many people how to lesson the stress in their lives.
It is different when it’s oneself.
Tiaan who I saw in Canberra for my first consultation has continued to be helpful ,encouraging and respectful of my own training. We discussed alternatives to anything in the food line that may not suit me. Also knowing that a phone consultation was already booked for a months time encouraged me to be really pro-active about her advise. She is such a knowledgeable person in her own field and I felt very comfortable telling her about my issues.
I have returned to my meditating and mindfulness and concentrating on lowering my stress levels and it is working .
During November I then had the Food Print test done as I still had questions about foods that were bloating me. That was a revelation in itself.
Now I understand so much more and I am finding weight loss so much easier to achieve.
I thank others who have answered my questions at The Lucy Rose clinic
Jenny Abrecht (This was sent to us by email, Thank you so much for your feedback, we really value the time it takes for patients to communicate their happiness with the success of their treatments! Amazing!) #wellness #thyroid #hypothyroid #foodintolerances #lupus #hashimotos #digestion #guthealth #hormones #testing #thyroflex #patinets #happiness #health
Al @noupatufet ja hem estrenat el pàrquing per a patinets!
L'àrea de mobilitat i patis de l'AFA Nou Patufet va estudiar com es desplacen els infants i joves fins a l'escola. El resultat de l'estudi va indicar que el 80% es desplacen a peu encara que bona part utilitzarien patinet si hi hagués un aparcament disponible.
Així que, s'hi va posar a treballar en el disseny i aquest és el fabulós resultat.
#patinet #patinets #aparcament #parquing #fetamà #camiescolar #mobilitat #AFANouPatufet #noupatufet #escolacooperativa #viladegracia #gràcia