pendragon arthur merlin arthurpendragon katiemcgrath king morgana morganapendragon camelot queen bbcmerlin bradleyjames colinmorgan angelcoulby gaius utherpendragon lancelot magic emrys gwen kingarthur merlinbbc merthur adelaidekane anthonyhead bradlyjames celinasinden utherpendragon
Arthur cares so much about Merlin. Merlin was special, he was different from anyone else for Arthur. And issa fact.
#merthur #merthuredit #merlin #merlinemrys #merlinedit #morgana #merlinbbc #merlinxarthur #arthur #arthurpendragon #arthurpendragonedit #emrys #elyan #tumblr #pendragon #leon #sirelyan #sirleon #sirgwaine #canon #gwen #gwaine #bbc #bbcmerlin
Photos of Morgana
Photos de Morgane
Tell me if there are pictures that you have never seen before
Dites moi s'il y a des photos que vous n'aviez jamais vu avant
#merlin #merlinbbc #merlinedit #katiemcgrath #colinmorgan #angelcoulby #bradleyjames #anthonyhead #richardwilson
#arthur #arthurpendragon #princearthur #pendragon #guenièvre #gaius #morganapendragon #uther #utherpendragon #photoshoot #saison3 #serie
I'm crying now
Credits ❤️
#knightsofcamelot #knights #knight #knightsoftheround #sirpercival #sirelyan #sirlancelot #sirgwaine #sirlion #lion #gwaine #elyan #lancelot #arthurpendragon #arthur #pendragon #kingofcamelot #kingofalbion #landofmyth #landofalbion #albion #camelot #onceandfutureking #onceandfuturekingofalbion #onceandfuturekingofcamelot #bradleyjames #santiagoc
Merlin cast on the red carpet ⭐️ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Question: What’s your favourite photo?
Merlin oyuncuları kırmızı halıda ⭐️ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Soru: Favori fotoğrafınız hangisi?
Translations by @gorkem.kom19 !
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