pestanas pesta lash lashes brows nails beauty eyelashes estetica бровист наращиваниересниц перманентныймакияж lashmaker brasil brow eyebrows vsvplanetabelleza walba wimpernverl брови бровки коррекциябровей красота любовь микроблейдинг ресницы топ50 lashesonfleek volumerusso pestanascrescimento
Hoje existem várias formas de se criar um ✨Lash Mapping✨, mas vc sabe que a escolha certa do estilo de aplicação faz toda a diferença no resultado final? É muito importante saber avaliar as características ÚNICAS de sua cliente e conhecer um pouco sobre visagismo e harmonia para realizar esse passo tão simples, mas que pode transformar totalmente seu resultado final! ♥️
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✨ Kim Kardashian Style ✨ pelas mãos da Philashes Master Tatiana Cebanu @cebanutatiana .
#philashebrasil #philashesacademy #ciliossaopaulo #ciliosbrasil #cilhudas #lashtrainer #ladyboss #pestanas #pestañasvenezuela #pestañasuruguay #pestanasperfectas #kimstyle #cursoextensaodecilos #cursodevolumerusso #volumelash #volumeextensions #extensaodecilios #phiacademy
Do you wonder why your eyelash
therapist always tells you after your
appointment: keep your lashes dry for 24hr?
But you never actually asked why? What will happen if you make them wet? One of the reasons is shock polymerisation ☝ It happens when the fresh glue gets in touch with water. Moist is needed to bond the extension to the natural lash properly. You might think: Great, the more water or moist, the faster the glue will dry! Well, not exactly. Glue needs those 24hrs to dry out in normal conditions 40-60% of humidity. Otherwise you might end up seeing the lash line turning white and your extension not lasting so long - especially if you get your extensions wet right after your treatment That’s why remember to always carry an umbrella for your lash appointment on a rainy day ☔️ This is just an example how shock polymerisation looks like we do not state it happens every time - we’re just showing how it looks like that you’re aware if it happens
Técnica com Lashlayers
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And then she converted to this look... #striplashlook 2.0 *Tip* transitioning looks can take a few fills but can also add on extra time. So if you need to make up for that added time, lash only every second lash on the inner part of the eye. You won’t be sacrificing shape and it’ll help you run on schedule.
Same eyes. Different styles. Different lighting. This will be a fun way to see how diverse lashes can look and the photo hues too. This picture and the last picture were both taken with a ring light but the one prior to was taken with an cool tones LED ring light that attaches to my phone (from amazon) that’s around $20. This one is taken with more of a warmer toned 18” stand up ring light. This light ran around $180 dollars from @mybrandlashes . I personally love both as they give different tones to the image.
#lashstyling #lashmapping #lashlooks #lashstyles #lillylashes #lilylashesmiami #lashextensions #lashes #cils #pestanas #wimpernextensions #wispylashes #fluffylashes #grandeprairielashes
APAIXONADA pelos cílios da @pramaquiar ! O modelo que eu estou usando na foto é o LAUREN , todos são lindos! São feitos de fio de seda sintético , são delicados e perfeitos! E você ainda pode reutilizar eles ! Custo beneficio ótimo!!!! Corre pro insta da @pramaquiar e pirem nos modelos! E ah ... a cola deles também é maravilhosa! Colou super bem os cílios! #amei .
#pramaquiar #claudiaschonhofen #cilios #portoalegre #pestanas #cilioslindos #ciliosposticos #vicio #girl #amo