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Sunset is also best when irregular clouds cover the sky, which is the only way to show off the many colors from which dreams and poems are born.
Zafír is 19 months old
#4mydog #quattrozampe #instapuppy #instasheltie #petsofhungary #dogsofbudapest #hundeliebe #hunde #kutyamvan #kutyabarat #magyareb #budapestdog #sheltieoftheday #sheltielife #sheltielove #sheltieliebe #sheltielover #sheltiegram #sheltiepuppy #sheltie #shelties #sheltiepage #sheltieofinstagram #sheltiecute #shetlandsheepdog #bluemerlesheltie #bluemerlepuppy #cane #dogsofig #sheltieblue
Riley today became 2 years old I mean, on paper. By looks, he is around 18-20 months, and in head maybe 6...
He got a delicious birthday cake, and true he is a very picky puppy, he ate it all
We wish every sibling from the litter a really happy birthday ❤️
#irishsetter #setter #redsetter #irishsettersofinstagram #dog #dogs #dogstagram #petsofhungary #irishsetternews #irishsetter_feature #handsomedogs #doggytheworld #instadogs #kutyasbagazs #world_irish_setter #kutyavalvagyok #dogmodel #dog_features #irishsetterclub #photography #cute #canon #Riley
My plan for today
Balatoni naplemente ️
#4mydog #quattrozampe #instapuppy #instasheltie #petsofhungary #dogsofbudapest #hundeliebe #hunde #kutyamvan #kutyabarat #magyareb #budapestdog #sheltieoftheday #sheltielife #sheltielove #sheltieliebe #sheltielover #sheltiegram #sheltiepuppy #sheltie #shelties #sheltiepage #sheltieofinstagram #sheltiecute #shetlandsheepdog #sheltiebrothers#cane #dogsofig #ebugatta#bestwoof
Hallottátok a nagy hírt? Borisznak már saját instagram oldala van, ahol kiélhetem majd minden crazy cat lady pillanatomat Viccen kívül, millió képem és videóm van róla, amit ezen az oldalon soknak éreztem volna, de végre így megoszthatom majd veletek ezeket is! Szóval ha kíváncsiak vagytok, akkor irány a @boristhebrit oldal
Esti séta, huncutkodás a csajokkal ❤️
@liss.bis photo and girls
#4mydog #quattrozampe #instapuppy #instasheltie #petsofhungary #dogsofbudapest #hundeliebe #hunde #kutyamvan #kutyabarat #magyareb #budapestdog #sheltieoftheday #sheltielife #sheltielove #sheltieliebe #sheltielover #sheltiegram #sheltiepuppy #sheltie #shelties #sheltiepage #sheltieofinstagram #sheltiecute #shetlandsheepdog #kutyavalvagyok #cane #dogsofig#ebugatta #kutyaszeretet
We have a really hot weather right now, and Riley can't stand it, neither am I. If we have the chance, we're going to the water.
Sadly I haven't brought my camera with me in a long time so I don't have fresh photos.
But I recently looking at Riley's puppy photos a lot, so there is some! And now I have such a strong puppy fever... Again
#irishsetter #setter #redsetter #irishsettersofinstagram #dog #dogs #dogstagram #petsofhungary #irishsetternews #irishsetter_feature #doggytheworld #instadogs #kutyasbagazs #world_irish_setter #kutyavalvagyok #dog_features #irishsetterclub #cute #puppy #irishsetterpuppy
#irishsetter #setter #redsetter #irishsettersofinstagram #dog #dogs #dogstagram #petsofhungary #irishsetternews #irishsetter_feature #handsomedogs #world_irish_setter #doggytheworld #instadogs #kutyasbagazs #world_irish_setter #welovewalkingdog #gundog #kutyavalvagyok #dogmodel #dog_features #irishsetterclub #photography #cute #canon #Riley
Feeling a bit ROYAL today. Just put down my treats and leave slave✌ #dog #doglove #doglover #doglovers #sharpeioftheday #sharpeiofinstagram #dogoftheday #petoftheday #princessgigi #petsofhungary #sharpei_ig_feature #sharpeisofinsta #all_lovely_pets #worldofcutepets #magyareb #pupfluencer #hardlife #dailyfluff #weeklyfluff #barked #obedience #monday