peytonreed paulrudd evangelinelilly michaeldouglas antman marvel antmanandthewasp movie michaelpena film michellepfeiffer laurencefishburne marvelstudios stanlee movies cinema kevinfeige avengers avengersendgame bobbycannavale hannahjohnkamen judygreer marvelcinematicuniverse hankpym scottlang waltongoggins wasp coreystoll michaelpe hopevandyne
#AntMan #TheWasp #Wasp #AntManAndTheWasp #HankPym #Luis #ScottLang #GiantMan #PaulRudd #EvangelineLilly #MichaelDouglas #MichaelPeña #Marvel #MarvelStudios #PymTech #PymParticles #Phase3 #Avengers #TheAvengers #InfinityWar #AvengersInfinityWar #Avengers4 #PeytonReed #HannahJohnKamen #InfinityWar #MCU #MarvelCinematicUniverse #LawrenceFishburne #AnthonyMackie
Don't worry, it's just a recurrent joke on the movie .
#antman #thewasp #wasp #antmanandthewasp #hankpym #luis #scottlang #giantman #paulrudd #evangelinelilly #marvel #marvelstudios #pymtech #pymparticles #phase3 #avengers #theavengers #infinitywar #avengersinfinitywar #agentcarter #peytonreed #hannahjohnkamen #randallpark #mcu #marvelcinematicuniverse #lawrencefishburne #billfoster #goliath #kpow_ok
What was the funniest scene from Ant-Man & The Wasp?
I honestly liked this scene, but the interrogation with Luis' story was my favorite
#Marvel #MarvelStudios #MCU #MarvelCinematicUniverse #Wasp #AntMan #EvangelineLilly #PaulRudd #HopeVanDyne #ScottLang #KevinFeige #PeytonReed #RussoBrothers #Avengers #TheAvengers #InfinityWar #AvengersInfinityWar #Avengers4 #Thanos #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #AntManAndTheWasp #AntManAndWasp #CaptainAmerica #TeamCap #IronMan #TeamIronMan #Defenders #AgentsOfSHIELD #SHIELD #Hawkeye
Fanmade Comicbook version of the Avengers Infinity War poster!!! -
. . .
#AntMan #TheWasp #Wasp #AntManAndTheWasp #HankPym #Luis #ScottLang #GiantMan #PaulRudd #EvangelineLilly #MichaelDouglas #MichaelPeña #Marvel #MarvelStudios #PymTech #PymParticles #Phase3 #Avengers #TheAvengers #InfinityWar #AvengersInfinityWar #Avengers4 #PeytonReed #HannahJohnKamen #InfinityWar #MCU #MarvelCinematicUniverse #LawrenceFishburne #AnthonyMackie
New Ant-Man & The Wasp TV Spot
49 days!
This might be the only TV Spot I'll post for this movie. I don't wanna show too much of the movie
#AntMan #TheWasp #Wasp #AntManAndTheWasp #HankPym #Luis #ScottLang #GiantMan #PaulRudd #EvangelineLilly #MichaelDouglas #MichaelPeña #Marvel #MarvelStudios #PymTech #PymParticles #Phase3 #Avengers #TheAvengers #InfinityWar #AvengersInfinityWar #ScarlettJohansson #PeytonReed #HannahJohnKamen #BenedictCumberbatch #InfinityWar #MCU #MarvelCinematicUniverse #LawrenceFishburne #AnthonyMackie #Goliath
"There’s been talk" of @MarvelStudios developing a third installment in the ANT-MAN franchise, says actor Michael Douglas!
From: @MCU_Tweets on Twitter
#AntMan3 #AntmanAndTheWasp #Antman #ScottLang #PaulRudd #EvangelineLilly #HopeVanDyne #MichaelDouglas #DrHankPym #MichellePfeiffer #Wasp #JanetVanDyne #HannahJohnKamen #Ghost #Ava #WaltonGoggins #SonnyBurch #MichaelPeña #Luis #LaurenceFishburne #DrFillFoster #PeytonReed #Marvel #MarvelStudios #MCU #Ishanth_CBM
I saw her in Ready Player One, Black Mirror, and Tomb Raider and hands down her best effort was in Black Mirror (to be fair she was in Tomb Raider for like 5 minutes) but I'm still scared for her.
Like the bar has been set and raised in Phase 3 and if Ghost is just another MCU villain throwaway the Internet's gonna eat her alive. Fingers crossed she's more like a Vulture than a Killian, as far as lesser known villains go.
QOTD: Do you think Ghost will be a good villain and keep the streak alive?
I have a slight feeling that Ghost might be like Ayesha from GOTG Vol. 2 where the trailers show her as the villain but really it's the hero (Wasp)'s parent. I mean Michelle Pfeiffer's been in the Quantum Realm for decades, is she really gonna be sane when she comes out?
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Ant-Man and The Wasp cast list reveals Ghost’s name is Ava
#AntManAndTheWasp #avengers #infinitywar #marvel #marvelstudios #marvelcomics #marvelphase3 #infinitywar #infinitygauntlet #thewasp #marvel #comics #thor #hulk #antman #ghost #captainmarvel #mcu #scottlang #hopevanpym #hankpym #paulrudd #peytonreed #evangelinelilly #avengersinfinitywar #avengers4 #newavengers #superhero #captainamerica #ironman #spiderman #quantumrealm